SPRZ457H January 2021 – December 2023 AM2431 , AM2432 , AM2434 , AM6411 , AM6412 , AM6421 , AM6422 , AM6441 , AM6442
USART: Erroneous clear/trigger of timeout interrupt
The USART may erroneously clear or trigger the timeout interrupt when RHR/MSR/LSR registers are read.
For CPU use-case.
If the timeout interrupt is erroneously cleared:
-This is OK since the pending data inside the FIFO will retrigger the timeout interrupt
If timeout interrupt is erroneously set, and the FIFO is empty, use the following SW workaround to clear the interrupt:
- Set a high value of timeout counter in TIMEOUTH and TIMEOUTL registers
- Set EFR2 bit 6 to 1 to change timeout mode to periodic
- Read the IIR register to clear the interrupt
- Set EFR2 bit 6 back to 0 to change timeout mode back to the original mode
For DMA use-case.
If timeout interrupt is erroneously cleared:
-This is OK since the next periodic event will retrigger the timeout interrupt
-User must ensure that RX timeout behavior is in periodic mode by setting EFR2 bit6 to 1
If timeout interrupt is erroneously set:
-This will cause DMA to be torn down by the SW driver
-OK since next incoming data will cause SW to setup DMA again