SPRZ530C April 2022 – July 2024 AM68 , AM68A , TDA4AL-Q1 , TDA4VE-Q1 , TDA4VL-Q1
DDR: MCU_OSPI0_* pins are limited to 1.8V operation when DDR1 is used
The MCU_OSPI0_* pins are limited to 1.8V operation when DDR1 is used, due to an issue with crosstalk in the package. The MCU_OSPI0_* pins are powered by the VDDSHV1_MCU rail, which also powers the MCU_OSPI1_* pins.
There are two options to Workaround this issue if DDR1 is used:
- Power the VDDSHV1_MCU rail at 1.8V. All of the MCU_OSPI0/1_* pins can be operated as normal.
- Power the VDDSHV1_MCU rail at 3.3V. The MCU_OSPI1_* pins can be operated as normal, but the MCU_OSPI0_* pins should be held static with no activity/toggling.