SPRZ575 March 2024 AM67 , AM67A , TDA4AEN-Q1 , TDA4VEN-Q1
CPSW: ALE IET Express Packet Drops
This issue impacts the following Module:
The issue with ALE is due to CPSW frequency and IET operation with short express traffic and pre-empted packets that get pre-empted between 60-69 bytes on non-10G capable ports.
If an IET pre-emptible packet get interrupted at 60-69 bytes, the lookup will occur when the next chunk arrives. The CPSW only gives the ALE 64 bytes from the pre-emptible MAC.
As a result, a short express traffic lookup will start at the end of a 64 byte express traffic, but when the pre-empted queue continues, the pre-empted traffic will complete the 64 bytes and attempt a lookup for the pre-empt packet. But this lookup is less that 64 clocks from the express lookup start, so the express lookup will be aborted(express traffic dropped) and start the new lookup for the pre-empted traffic.
Rules to induce the issue:
During IET negotiation, tell the remote to fragment at 128 bytes.