SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
The CMD_IEEE_MOD_CCA command takes a command structure as defined in Table 26-67.
CMD_IEEE_MOD_CCA must only be sent while an RX or energy-detect scan operation is running. On reception, the radio CPU modifies the values of ccaRssiThr and ccaOpt for the running process into the values given by newCcaRssiThr and newCcaOpt, respectively. The radio CPU updates the command structure. The new settings are used for future CCA requests.
If the command is issued without an active or suspended background-level operation, the radio CPU returns the result ContextError in CMDSTA. If any of the parameters entered are illegal, the radio CPU returns the result ParError in CMDSTA. Otherwise, the radio CPU returns DONE.