SWCU192 November 2021 CC1312R7 , CC1352P7 , CC2652P7 , CC2652R7
A transmitted packet using the common extended advertising format consists of the following:
In the header, the PDU type is set to 0111b for all relevant types except AUX_CONNECT_RSP, where the PDU type is 1000b. The TxAdd and RxAdd bits are inserted automatically as described in the following. The length is calculated by the radio CPU based on the extended header length and the payload length. The extended header length and advertiser mode fields are inserted from the corresponding fields of extHdrInfo. If the extended header length is greater than 0, the first byte of the extended header is the extended header flags. This is inserted by the radio CPU from extHdrFlags. The rest of the extended header is located in the buffer pointed to by pExtHeader.
The addresses in the extended header may be omitted from the buffer (in this case, the buffer pointed to by pExtHdr shall be 6 or 12 bytes shorter). If extHdrConfig.bSkipAdvA is 1 and the AdvA bit is 1 in extHdrInfo, the advertiser address is inserted from the buffer pointed to by pDeviceAddress in the parameter structure. In this case, the TxAdd bit of the header is set from the parameter structure bit advConfig.deviceAddrType. If extHdrConfig.bSkipAdvA is 0 and the AdvA bit is 1 in extHdrInfo, the TxAdd bit of the header is set from extHdrConfig.deviceAddrType. If the AdvA bit is 0 in extHdrInfo, the TxAdd bit of the header is 0. Similarly, for a directed advertising packet on a secondary channel, if extHdrConfig.bSkipTargetA is 1 and the TargetA bit is 1 in extHdrInfo, the target address is inserted from the buffer pointed to by pWhiteList in the parameter structure. In this case, the RxAdd bit of the header is set from the parameter structure bit advConfig.peerAddrType (inverted if the LSB of pWhiteList is 1 as described in Section 26.8.17). If extHdrConfig.bSkipTargetA is 0 and the TargetA bit is 1 in extHdrInfo, the RxAdd bit of the header is set from extHdrConfig.targetAddrType. If the TargetA bit is 0 in extHdrInfo, the RxAdd bit of the header is 0.
For AUX_CONNECT_RSP packets, the TargetA field and RxAdd bit of the header are always inserted from the received address of the AUX_CONNECT_REQ. If extHdrConfig.bSkipTargetA is 0, the buffer pointed to by pExtHeader shall contain a placeholder for the target address, while if extHdrConfig.bSkipTargetA is 1, the TargetA field shall be omitted.
A trigger to end the operation is set up by pParams->endTrigger. If the trigger that is defined by this parameter occurs, the radio operation shall continue to completion, but the status code after ending shall be BLE_DONE_ENDED and the result shall be FALSE. This can for instance be used to stop execution instead of proceeding with the next chained operation by use of the condition in the command structure. If the immediate command CMD_STOP is received by the radio CPU, it shall have the same meaning as the end trigger occurring, except that the status code after ending shall be CMD_DONE_STOPPED.
The output structure pOutput contains fields that give information on the command being run. The radio CPU shall not initialize the fields, so this must be done by the system CPU when a reset of the counters is desired. The fields shall be updated by the radio CPU as described in the following list. The list also indicates when interrupts shall be raised in the system CPU.