SWCU193A April 2023 – August 2024 CC2340R2 , CC2340R5 , CC2340R5-Q1
The baud rate divisor (BRD) is a 22-bit number consisting of a 16-bit integer and a 6-bit fractional part. The number formed by these two values is used by the baud rate generator to determine the bit period. Having a fractional baud rate divider allows the UART to generate all standard baud rates.
The 16-bit integer is loaded through the UART Integer Baud Rate Divisor Register (UART.IBRD), and the 6-bit fractional part is loaded with the UART Fractional Baud Rate Divisor Register (UART.FBRD).
Equation 4 shows the relationship of the BRD and the system clock.
The 6-bit fractional number that is loaded into the UART:FBRD.DIVFRAC bit field can be calculated by taking the fractional part of the baud rate divisor, multiplying by 64, and adding 0.5 to account for rounding errors, as shown by Equation 5
Along with the UART Line Control High Byte Register (UART.LCRH), the UART.IBRD and the UART.FBRD registers form an internal 30-bit register. This internal register is updated only when a write operation to the UART.LCRH register is performed, so a write to the UART.LCRH register must follow any changes to the BRD for the changes to take effect.
The four possible sequences to update the baud-rate registers are as follows:
For an example calculation see Section 19.5.