SWCU193A April 2023 – August 2024 CC2340R2 , CC2340R5 , CC2340R5-Q1
In addition to the previously mentioned methods for arming a channel, a channel can be armed by programming the ARMSET register. When the SYSTIM.CHnCFG[0] MODE bit is 0 and SYSTIM.ARMSET[n] CHn bit is set for that channel, the channel is armed in compare mode and starts comparison based on the current CHnVAL register value.
When SYSTIM.CHnCFG[3] REARM is set to 1, re-arm is enabled. The channel remains in continuous capture mode. Otherwise, the channel is in one-shot capture mode. Rearm is only valid for capture mode.
A channel can be disarmed by setting the SYSTIM.ARMCLR[n] CHn bit to 1. ARMCLR disarms the channel and resets the SYSTIM.CHnCFG[0] MODE bit to 0.
The CHnSR register can be written to load the channel with a value without triggering the channel to enter compare mode. Then ARMSET can be used to arm the channel in Compare mode by setting the ARMSET[n], provided the CHnCFG[0] MODE is zero.