7.2 Supported Flash Types
For compatibility with the CC3100/CC3200, the serial flash device must support the following commands and format:
- Uniform sector erase size of 4K
- Command 0x9F (read the device ID [JEDEC]). Procedure: SEND 0x9F, READ 3 bytes.
- Command 0x05 (read the status of the serial flash). Procedure: SEND 0x05, READ 1 byte. Bit 0 is busy and bit 1 is write enable.
- Command 0x06 (set write enable). Procedure: SEND 0x06, read status until write-enable bit is set.
- Command 0xC7 (chip erase). Procedure: SEND 0xC7, read status until busy bit is cleared.
- Command 0x03 (read data). Procedure: SEND 0x03, SEND 24-bit address, read n bytes.
- Command 0x02 (write page). Procedure: SEND 0x02, SEND 24-bit address, write n bytes (0<n<256).
- Command 0x20 (sector erase). Procedure: SEND 0x20, SEND 24-bit address, read status until busy bit is cleared.