The generated Sensor Controller Interface driver (SCIF) consists of three pairs of C header and source files that are used in the application running on the System CPU. The driver includes:
- The driver setup contains:
- The AUX RAM image (containing machine code and data for the Sensor Controller)
- Data structure definitions (for easy access to Sensor Controller configuration, state and input/output data)
- Constant definitions (matching relevant constants used in the Sensor Controller code)
- I/O mapping, task data structure information, and other parameters for driver internal use
- A generic application programming interface (API) for:
- Initializing the driver (including I/O pin configuration and event routing)
- Task control (for starting, stopping and manually executing Sensor Controller tasks)
- Task data exchange (for producing input data to and consume output data from Sensor Controller tasks)
- Uninitializing the driver (allowing the application to switch SCIF driver setup)
- An operating system abstraction layer (OSAL) that:
- Ensures seamless integration with the selected operating system, for example TI-RTOS
- Ensures seamless integration with the power and clock management framework running on the System CPU