Before commands can be sent to the
device, it must go into bootloader mode. The procedure for connecting to the target
in bootloader phase follows:
- Flush the UART RX line (CC3100 or CC3200 UART TX line).
- Send a break signal (sending continuous spacing values, no
start or stop bits) on the CC3100 or CC3200 UART RX line. The CC3100 or CC3200
device must sense this break signal during power up.
- Power on the device (or reset it if it is already up and
- The CC3100 or CC3200 device sends an acknowledgment indication.
The acknowledgment indication is described in Ack.
- On receiving the acknowledgment indication from the CC3100 or
CC3200 device, the main processor stops sending the break signal and flushes the
UART lines.
Note: At this point,
the CC3100 or CC3200 device is ready to receive any command. The main
processor has 5 seconds to send any command. Failing to do so before the
time-out expires results in the CC3100 or CC3200 device initializing
normally (aborting bootloader mode).
- The main processor sends the Get Storage List command.
- The CC3100 or CC3200 device responds with an Ack followed by a 1-byte storage list bitmap.
Figure 5-2 shows the Get Storage List command.