SWRU580 April 2021 CC2564C , CC2564MODA , CC2564MODN
TI’s Bluetooth stack is implementation of the upper layers of the Bluetooth protocol stack. TI’s Bluetooth stackprovides a robust and flexible software development tool that implements the Bluetooth Protocols and Profiles above the Host Controller Interface (HCI). TI’s Bluetooth stack's Application Programming Interface (API) provides access to the upper-layer protocols and profiles and can interface directly with the Bluetooth chips.
This page describes the various commands that a user of the application can use. Each command is a wrapper over a TI’s Bluetooth stack API which gets invoked with the parameters selected by the user. This is a subset of the APIs available to the user. TI’s Bluetooth stack API documentation (TI_Bluetooth_Stack_Version-Number\Documentation or for STM32F4, TI_Bluetooth_Stack_Version-Number\RTOS_VERSION\Documentation) describes all of the API's in detail.
Generic Access Profile CommandsDescription
RegisterANS is responsible for registering a ANP Service.
It is not necessary to include parameters when using this command. A parameter will have no effect on the outcome.
Possible Return Values
(0) Successfully registered ANP service
(-4) Function_Error
API Call
ANS_Initialize_Service(BluetoothStackID, ANS_EventCallback, NULL, &ANSInstanceID)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Initialize_Service(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, ANS_Event_Callback_t EventCallback, unsigned long CallbackParameter, unsigned int *ServiceID)
Description of API
This function is responsible for opening a ANS Server.The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID on which to open the Server. The second parameter is the Callback function to call when an event occurs on this Server Port. The third parameter is a user-defined callback parameter that will be passed to the callback function with each event. The final parameter is a pointer to store the GATT Service ID of the registered ANS service. This can be used to include the service registered by this call. This function returns the positive, non-zero, Instance ID or a negative error code.
UnRegisterANS is responsible for unregistering a ANP Service.
It is not necessary to include parameters when using this command. A parameter will have no effect on the outcome.
Possible Return Values
(0)Successfully unregistered ANP service
(-4) Function_Error
API Call
ANS_Cleanup_Service(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Cleanup_Service(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for closing a previously opened ANS Server. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID on which to close the Server. The second parameter is the InstanceID that was returned from a successfull call to ANS_Initialize_Service(). This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
DiscoverANS is responsible for performing a ANP Service Discovery Operation. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
It is not necessary to include parameters when using this command. A parameter will have no effect on the outcome.
Possible Return Values
(0)Successfully unregistered ANP service
(-4) Function_Error
API Call
GDIS_Service_Discovery_Start(BluetoothStackID, ConnectionID, (sizeof(UUID)/sizeof(GATT_UUID_t)), UUID, GDIS_Event_Callback, sdANS)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI GDIS_Service_Discovery_Start(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int ConnectionID, unsigned int NumberOfUUID, GATT_UUID_t *UUIDList, GDIS_Event_Callback_t ServiceDiscoveryCallback, unsigned long ServiceDiscoveryCallbackParameter)
Description of API
The GDIS_Service_Discover_Start is in an application module called GDIS that is provided to allow an easy way to perform GATT service discovery. This module can and should be modified for the customers use. This function is called to start a service discovery operation by the GDIS module.
ConfigureRemoteANS is responsible for configure a ANP Service on a remote device. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
There are two parameters for this command, they are [New Alert Notify (0 = disable, 1 = enable)] and [Unread Alert Status Notify (0 = disable, 1 = enable)].
Possible Return Values
(0) CCCD Configuration Success
NotifyNewAlerts is responsible for performing a New Alert notification to a connected remote device. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
[BitMask (0xXXXX)]
Category(bit values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message
Possible Return Values
(0) Sending New Alert Notification for 'category'... Success
NotifyUnreadAlerts is responsible for performing an Unread Alert notification to a connected remote device. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
[BitMask (0xXXXX)]
Category(bit values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message
Possible Return Values
(0) Sending Unread Alert Notification for 'category'... Success
GetNewAlertStatus is responsible for reading the New Alert Status for a specified category. It can be executed only by a Server. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message
Possible Return Values
(0) Get New Alert Status request sent
API Call
ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID, scNewAlert, &SupportedCategories))
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID, ANS_Supported_Categories_Type_t SupportedCategoryType, Word_t *SupportedCategoriesMask)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for setting the Alert Notification Supported Categories for the specified Category Type on the specified ANS Instance. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID of the Bluetooth Device. The second parameter is the InstanceID returned from a successful call to ANS_Initialize_Server(). The next parameter specifies the Category to query the Supported Categories for. The final parameter is a pointer to store the Supported Categories bit mask for the specified ANS Instance. This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
SetNewAlertStatus is responsible for writing the New Alert Status for a specified category. It can be executed only by a Server. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
[Category] [Num Alerts] [Alert String (Optional)]
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message
Possible Return Values
(0) Set New Alert Status success
API Call
ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID, scNewAlert, &SupportedCategories)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID, ANS_Supported_Categories_Type_t SupportedCategoryType, Word_t *SupportedCategoriesMask)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for setting the Alert Notification Supported Categories for the specified Category Type on the specified ANS Instance. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID of the Bluetooth Device. The second parameter is the InstanceID returned from a successful call to ANS_Initialize_Server(). The next parameter specifies the Category to query the Supported Categories for. The final parameter is a pointer to store the Supported Categories bit mask for the specified ANS Instance. This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
GetUnreadAlertStatus is responsible for reading the Unread Alert Status for a specified category. It can be executed only by a Server. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message
Possible Return Values
(0) Get Unread Alert Status request sent
API Call
ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID, scUnreadAlertStatus, &SupportedCategories)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID, ANS_Supported_Categories_Type_t SupportedCategoryType, Word_t *SupportedCategoriesMask)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for setting the Alert Notification Supported Categories for the specified Category Type on the specified ANS Instance. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID of the Bluetooth Device. The second parameter is the InstanceID returned from a successful call to ANS_Initialize_Server(). The next parameter specifies the Category to query the Supported Categories for. The final parameter is a pointer to store the Supported Categories bit mask for the specified ANS Instance. This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
SetUnreadAlertStatus is responsible for writing the Unread Alert Status for a specified category. It can be executed only by a Server. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
[Category][NUM VALUES]
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message
Possible Return Values
(0) Set Unread Alert Status success
API Call
ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID, scUnreadAlertStatus, &SupportedCategories)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID, ANS_Supported_Categories_Type_t SupportedCategoryType, Word_t *SupportedCategoriesMask)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for setting the Alert Notification Supported Categories for the specified Category Type on the specified ANS Instance. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID of the Bluetooth Device. The second parameter is the InstanceID returned from a successful call to ANS_Initialize_Server(). The next parameter specifies the Category to query the Supported Categories for. The final parameter is a pointer to store the Supported Categories bit mask for the specified ANS Instance. This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
GetSupportedNewAlertCategories is responsible for reading the Supported New Alert Category. It can be executed by a Server or a Client with an open connection to a remote Server. If executed as a Client, a GATT read request will be generated, and the results will be returned as a response in the GATT Client event callback. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
It is not necessary to include parameters when using this command. A parameter will have no effect on the outcome.
Possible Return Values
(0) Get Supported New Alert Category Request sent, Transaction ID = %u
API Call
ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID, scNewAlert, &SupportedCategories)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID, ANS_Supported_Categories_Type_t SupportedCategoryType, Word_t *SupportedCategoriesMask)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for setting the Alert Notification Supported Categories for the specified Category Type on the specified ANS Instance. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID of the Bluetooth Device. The second parameter is the InstanceID returned from a successful call to ANS_Initialize_Server(). The next parameter specifies the Category to query the Supported Categories for. The final parameter is a pointer to store the Supported Categories bit mask for the specified ANS Instance. This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
SetSupportedNewAlertCategories is responsible for writing the Supported New Alert Category. It can be executed only by a Server. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
[BitMask (0xXXXX)]
Category(bit values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message
Possible Return Values
(0) Supported New Alert Category successfully set
API Call
ANS_Set_Supported_Categories(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID, scNewAlert, SupportedCategories)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Set_Supported_Categories(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID, ANS_Supported_Categories_Type_t SupportedCategoryType, Word_t SupportedCategoriesMask)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for setting the Alert Notification Supported Categories for the specified Category Type on the specified ANS Instance. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID of the Bluetooth Device. The second parameter is the InstanceID returned from a successful call to ANS_Initialize_Server(). The next parameter specifies the Category to set the Supported Categories for. The final parameter is the Supported Categories bit mask to set as the supported categories for the specified ANS Instance. This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
GetSupportedUnreadAlertCategories is responsible for reading the Supported Unread Alert Category. It can be executed by a Server or a Client with an open connection to a remote Server. If executed as a Client, a GATT read request will be generated, and the results will be returned as a response in the GATT Client event callback. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
It is not necessary to include parameters when using this command. A parameter will have no effect on the outcome.
Possible Return Values
(0) Get Supported Unread Alert Category Request sent, Transaction ID = %u
API Call
ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID, scUnreadAlertStatus, &SupportedCategories)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Query_Supported_Categories(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID, ANS_Supported_Categories_Type_t SupportedCategoryType, Word_t *SupportedCategoriesMask)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for setting the Alert Notification Supported Categories for the specified Category Type on the specified ANS Instance. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID of the Bluetooth Device. The second parameter is the InstanceID returned from a successful call to ANS_Initialize_Server(). The next parameter specifies the Category to query the Supported Categories for. The final parameter is a pointer to store the Supported Categories bit mask for the specified ANS Instance. This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
SetSupportedUnreadAlertCategories is responsible for writing the Supported Unread Alert Category. It can be executed only by a Server. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
[BitMask (0xXXXX)]
Category(bit values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message
Possible Return Values
(0) Supported Unread Alert Category successfully set
API Call
ANS_Set_Supported_Categories(BluetoothStackID, ANSInstanceID, scUnreadAlertStatus, SupportedCategories)
API Prototype
int BTPSAPI ANS_Set_Supported_Categories(unsigned int BluetoothStackID, unsigned int InstanceID, ANS_Supported_Categories_Type_t SupportedCategoryType, Word_t SupportedCategoriesMask)
Description of API
The following function is responsible for setting the Alert Notification Supported Categories for the specified Category Type on the specified ANS Instance. The first parameter is the Bluetooth Stack ID of the Bluetooth Device. The second parameter is the InstanceID returned from a successful call to ANS_Initialize_Server(). The next parameter specifies the Category to set the Supported Categories for. The final parameter is the Supported Categories bit mask to set as the supported categories for the specified ANS Instance. This function returns a zero if successful or a negative return error code if an error occurs.
EnableNewAlertNotifications is responsible for writing the Enable New Incoming Alert Notifications command to a remote Server Control Point. It can be executed only by a Client. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message, 10 = All Categories
Possible Return Values
(0) Enable New Alert Notifications command request sent.
DisableNewAlertNotifications is responsible for writing the Disable New Incoming Alert Notifications command to a remote Server Control Point. It can be executed only by a Client. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message, 10 = All Categories
Possible Return Values
(0) Disable New Alert Notifications command request sent
EnableUnreadAlertNotifications is responsible for writing the Enable Unread Category Status Notifications command to a remote Server Control Point. It can be executed only by a Client. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message, 10 = All Categories
Possible Return Values
(0) Enable Unread Category Notifications command request sent
DisableUnreadAlertNotifications is responsible for writing the Disable Unread Category Status Notifications command to a remote Server Control Point. It can be executed only by a Client. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message, 10 = All Categories
Possible Return Values
(0) Disable Unread Category Notifications command request sent
NotifyImmediatelyNewAlerts is responsible for writing the Notify New Incoming Alert Immediately command to a remote Server Control Point. It can be executed only by a Client. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message, 10 = All Categories
Possible Return Values
(0) Notify New Alert Immediately command request sent
NotifyImmediatelyUnreadAlerts is responsible for writing the Notify New Unread Category Status Immediately command to a remote Server Control Point. It can be executed only by a Client. This function will return zero on successful execution and a negative value on errors.
Category(numeric values): 0 = Simple Alert, 1 = E-Mail, 2 = News, 3 = Call, 4 = Missed Call, 5 = SMS MMS, 6 = Voice Mail, 7 = Schedule, 8 = High Priority Alert, 9 = Instant Message, 10 = All Categories
Possible Return Values
(0) Notify Unread Category Immediately command request sent