SWRU581 March 2021 CC2564C , CC2564MODA , CC2564MODN , WL1831
Bluetopia Platform Manager (BluetopiaPM) is a service that allows multiple applications to access the Bluetooth link concurrently. This allows developers to create multiple independent applications that each use the Bluetooth link. Take for example a Head Set running Linux that uses the Hands-Free Profile and also supports Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) Sink audio playback. Using Bluetopia a development team would have to write one application that handles both Hands-Free Events and A2DP Events. With BluetopiaPM the team could write two independent applications: one to handle Hands-Free Events and one to handle A2DP Events.
BluetopiaPM also provides features that simplify the management of device connections:
A convenient API is provided to access cached device information.
TI Bluetooth Stack (based on Bluetopia) is provided for WL18xx and CC256x devices. It is composed of Bluetooth protocol stack, Bluetooth profiles stack and Platform Manager.