SWRU581 March 2021 CC2564C , CC2564MODA , CC2564MODN , WL1831
If using AVPR for Assisted A2DP (A3DP) or Assisted HFP: Use the AVPR patches only is using assisted mode. If unsure, follow the instructions to use the BLE add-on.
Example: Changing the baud rate to 3000000)
The first command and its response between the host processor and the CC256X will be sent at 115200 (chip default) baud rate. After this first command of the initscript, the CC256X will switch to the specified new baud rate value (3000000). The host must also switch to this new baud rate after receiving the HCI command response for the first command.
Find What: "5000, 0x00"
Replace with: "5000, any"
Replace all
sudo cp TIInit_<VERSION>.bts