SWRZ131B September   2022  – June 2024 CC1354R10


  1.   1
  2.   Trademarks
  3. 1Advisories Matrix
  4. 2Nomenclature, Package Symbolization, and Revision Identification
    1. 2.1 Device and Development Support-Tool Nomenclature
    2. 2.2 Devices Supported
    3. 2.3 Package Symbolization and Revision Identification
  5. 3Advisories
    1.     Radio_01
    2. 3.1 Radio_05
    3.     Power_03
    4.     PKA_01
    5.     PKA_02
    6.     I2C_01
    7.     I2S_01
    8.     CPU_Sys_01
    9. 3.2 CPU_04
    10.     Sys_01
    11.     SYSCTRL_01
    12.     IOC_01
    13.     ADC_02
    14.     Flash_02
  6. 4Revision History


Increased Voltage Ripple at Low Supply Voltages When DC/DC Converter is Enabled

Revisions Affected:

Revision C


At supply voltages <2.0V, a hardware control module disables the DC/DC converter to maximize system efficiency. This module does not have enough hysteresis, causing approx 10mV of ripple on the VDDR-regulated power supply. Based on internal testing of the device, it is not anticipated that this erratum affects RF performance. However, these test results cannot ensure that a customer’s application or end equipment will not be affected.


Use the TI-provided Power driver (PowerCC26X2.c) which automatically disables the DC/DC converter when supply voltage is <2.2V.

The workaround is available in all SDK versions.