ZHCAB00A October 2020 – September 2021 BQ769142 , BQ76922 , BQ76942 , BQ76952
/* BQ769x2 Example Program for Calibration
import pywinusb
import bqcomm
import sys
import time
from time import sleep
import sets
import math
I2C_ADDR = 0x10 # BQ769x2 slave address
numCells = 10 # Set to 10 for BQ76942####################################################
## 检查 EV2400 是否已连接
a = bqcomm.Adapter() # This will use the first found EV2400
print "No EV2400 Available"
## 定义命令函数
def I2C_Read(device_addr, reg_addr, length):
Uses global I2C address and returns value read
value = a.i2c_read_block(device_addr, reg_addr, length)
print "Nack received"
return value
def I2C_Write(device_addr, reg_addr, block):
Uses global I2C address
a.i2c_write_block(device_addr, reg_addr, block)
print "Nack received"
def DataRAM_Read(addr, length):
Write address location to 0x3E and read back from 0x40
Used to read dataflssh and for subcommands
addressBlock = [(addr%256), (addr/256)]
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, addressBlock)
value = I2C_Read(I2C_ADDR, 0x40,length)
return value
def DataRAM_Write(addr, block):
Write address location to 0x3E and Checksum,length to 0x60
Used to write dataflssh
Add 2 to length for Rev A0 of Maximo2
addressBlock = [(addr%256), (addr/256)]
wholeBlock = addressBlock + block
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, wholeBlock) # Write Data Block
# Write Data Checksum and length to 0x60, required for RAM writes
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x60, [~sum(wholeBlock) & 0xff, len(wholeBlock)+2])
def ReadCellVoltage(cell):
Reads a specific cell voltage
cmd_addr = 0x12 + (cell * 2)
result = I2C_Read(I2C_ADDR, cmd_addr, 2)
print "Cell", cell, " = ", (result[1]*256 + result[0]), " mV"
def Dec2Flash(value):
if value == 0:
value += 0.0000001 #avoid log of zero
if value < 0:
bNegative = 1
value *= -1
bNegative = 0
exponent = int( (math.log(value)/math.log(2)) )
MSB = exponent + 127 #exponent bits
mantissa = value / (2**exponent)
mantissa = (mantissa - 1) / (2**-23)
if (bNegative == 0):
mantissa = int(mantissa) & 0x7fffff #remove sign bit if number is positive
result = hex(int(round(mantissa + MSB * 2**23)))
print result
return result
def Flash2Dec(value):
exponent = exponent = 0xff & (value/(2**23)) #exponent is most significant byte after sign bit
mantissa = value % (2**23)
if (0x80000000 & value == 0): #check if number is positive
isPositive = 1
isPositive = 0
mantissa_f = 1.0
mask = 0x400000
for i in range(0,23):
if ((mask >> i) & mantissa):
mantissa_f += 2**(-1*(i+1))
result = mantissa_f * 2**(exponent-127)
if not(isPositive):
result *= -1
print result
return result
# 主脚本开始
################ 电压校准 ####################
# In this example we will apply the same reference voltage to all cells at once
print "Apply 2.5V to all cells.\n"
print "This step will also enable the FETs to calibrate Top-of-Stack, PACK, and LD voltages.\n"
print "Press enter when voltage is applied..."
keypress = raw_input("")
# Make sure FETs are closed for PACK and LD measurements
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x9A, 0x00]) #Sleep Disable 0x009A to prevent CHG FET from opening
status = I2C_Read(I2C_ADDR, 0x7F, 2) #Check FET Status
print "FET Status = ", hex(status[0])
if ((status[0] & 5) == 0):
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x22, 0x00]) #FET_ENABLE command 0x0022
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A = [0]*numCells
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B = [0]*numCells
Cell_Gain = [0]*numCells
TOS_Voltage_Counts_A = 0
PACK_Voltage_Counts_A = 0
LD_Voltage_Counts_A = 0
TOS_Voltage_Counts_B = 0
PACK_Voltage_Counts_B = 0
LD_Voltage_Counts_B = 0
for i in range(0,10):
DAStatus1 = DataRAM_Read(0x0071,32) # Read DAStatus1
DAStatus2 = DataRAM_Read(0x0072,32) # Read DAStatus2
DAStatus3 = DataRAM_Read(0x0073,32) # Read DAStatus3
READ_CAL1 = DataRAM_Read(0xF081,12) # Read READ_CAL1 Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[0] += DAStatus1[0] + DAStatus1[1]*256 + DAStatus1[2]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[1] += DAStatus1[8] + DAStatus1[9]*256 + DAStatus1[10]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[2] += DAStatus1[16] + DAStatus1[17]*256 + DAStatus1[18]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[3] += DAStatus1[24] + DAStatus1[25]*256 + DAStatus1[26]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[4] += DAStatus2[0] + DAStatus2[1]*256 + DAStatus2[2]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[5] += DAStatus2[8] + DAStatus2[9]*256 + DAStatus2[10]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[6] += DAStatus2[16] + DAStatus2[17]*256 + DAStatus2[18]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[7] += DAStatus2[24] + DAStatus2[25]*256 + DAStatus2[26]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[8] += DAStatus3[0] + DAStatus3[1]*256 + DAStatus3[2]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[9] += DAStatus3[8] + DAStatus3[9]*256 + DAStatus3[10]*256**2
TOS_Voltage_Counts_A += READ_CAL1[8] + READ_CAL1[9]*256
PACK_Voltage_Counts_A += READ_CAL1[6] + READ_CAL1[7]*256
LD_Voltage_Counts_A += READ_CAL1[10] + READ_CAL1[11]*256print "Apply 4.20V to all cells.Press enter when voltage is applied..."
keypress = raw_input("")
for i in range(0,10):
DAStatus1 = DataRAM_Read(0x0071,32) # Read DAStatus1
DAStatus2 = DataRAM_Read(0x0072,32) # Read DAStatus2
DAStatus3 = DataRAM_Read(0x0073,32) # Read DAStatus3
READ_CAL1 = DataRAM_Read(0xF081,12) # Read READ_CAL1
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[0] += DAStatus1[0] + DAStatus1[1]*256 + DAStatus1[2]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[1] += DAStatus1[8] + DAStatus1[9]*256 + DAStatus1[10]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[2] += DAStatus1[16] + DAStatus1[17]*256 + DAStatus1[18]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[3] += DAStatus1[24] + DAStatus1[25]*256 + DAStatus1[26]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[4] += DAStatus2[0] + DAStatus2[1]*256 + DAStatus2[2]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[5] += DAStatus2[8] + DAStatus2[9]*256 + DAStatus2[10]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[6] += DAStatus2[16] + DAStatus2[17]*256 + DAStatus2[18]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[7] += DAStatus2[24] + DAStatus2[25]*256 + DAStatus2[26]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[8] += DAStatus3[0] + DAStatus3[1]*256 + DAStatus3[2]*256**2
Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[9] += DAStatus3[8] + DAStatus3[9]*256 + DAStatus3[10]*256**2
TOS_Voltage_Counts_B += READ_CAL1[8] + READ_CAL1[9]*256
PACK_Voltage_Counts_B += READ_CAL1[6] + READ_CAL1[7]*256
LD_Voltage_Counts_B += READ_CAL1[10] + READ_CAL1[11]*256
#Take the average of the 10 measurements and calculate gains
for i in range(0,numCells):
Gain = 2**24 * (4200 - 2500) / (Cell_Voltage_Counts_B[i]/10 - Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[i]/10)
Cell_Gain[i] = int(round(Gain))
print "Cell ",i+1," Gain = ", Cell_Gain[i]
#Calculate Cell Offset based on Cell1
Cell_Offset = ((Cell_Gain[0] * (Cell_Voltage_Counts_A[0] / 10)) / 2**24) - 2500
print "Cell Offset = ", Cell_Offset
if Cell_Offset < 0:
Cell_Offset = 0xFFFF + Cell_Offset
TOS_Gain = int(round(2**16 * (4200 - 2500) / (TOS_Voltage_Counts_B/10 - TOS_Voltage_Counts_A/10)))
PACK_Gain = int(round(2**16 * (4200 - 2500) / (PACK_Voltage_Counts_B/10 - PACK_Voltage_Counts_A/10)))
LD_Gain = int(round(2**16 * (4200 - 2500) / (LD_Voltage_Counts_B/10 - LD_Voltage_Counts_A/10)))
print "TOS Gain = ", TOS_Gain
print "PACK Gain = ", PACK_Gain
print "LD Gain = ", LD_Gain################ 电流校准 ####################
print "Current Calibration\n"
print "Apply 0mA through sense resistor for Board Offset Calibration.\n"
print "Press enter when current is applied..."
keypress = raw_input("")
value = 0
for i in range(0,10):
READ_CAL1 = DataRAM_Read(0xF081,12) # Read READ_CAL1
value += READ_CAL1[3] + READ_CAL1[4]*256
value = 64 * int(round(value/10)) #take the average
Board_Offset = -(value & 0x8000) | (value & 0x7fff) #Get decimal value for printing
print "Board Offset = ", Board_Offset
if Board_Offset < 0:
Board_Offset = 0xFFFF + Board_Offset
print "Apply 1A (discharge current) through sense resistor for Board Offset Calibration.\n"
print "Press enter when current is applied..."
keypress = raw_input("")
value = 0
for i in range(0,10):
READ_CAL1 = DataRAM_Read(0xF081,12) # Read READ_CAL1
value += READ_CAL1[3] + READ_CAL1[4]*256
value = int(round(value/10)) #take the average
CC_Counts_A = -(value & 0x8000) | (value & 0x7fff) #Get decimal value for printing
print "CC_Counts_A = ", CC_Counts_A
print "Apply 2A (discharge current) through sense resistor for Board Offset Calibration.\n"
print "Press enter when current is applied..."
keypress = raw_input("")
value = 0
for i in range(0,10):
READ_CAL1 = DataRAM_Read(0xF081,12) # Read READ_CAL1
value += READ_CAL1[3] + READ_CAL1[4]*256
value = int(round(value/10)) #take the average
CC_Counts_B = -(value & 0x8000) | (value & 0x7fff) #Get decimal value for printing
print "CC_Counts_B = ", CC_Counts_B
CC_Gain_float = (-2000.0 + 1000.0)/(CC_Counts_B - CC_Counts_A)
CC_Gain = Dec2Flash(CC_Gain_float)
print "CC_Gain = ", CC_Gain_float
Capacity_Gain = Dec2Flash(298261.6178 * CC_Gain_float)
print "Capacity Gain = ", Capacity_Gain
################ 温度校准 ####################
print "Temperature Calibration\n"
print "Set the device temperature to 25C.(~298.1K)"
print "This example will calibrate TS1 and the Internal Temperature.\n"
print "Press enter when temperature is applied..."
keypress = raw_input("")
Int_Temp = I2C_Read(I2C_ADDR, 0x68,2) #Read Internal Temp
TS1_Temp = I2C_Read(I2C_ADDR, 0x70,2) #Read TS1 Temp
Internal_Temp_Offset = 2981 - (Int_Temp[1]*256 + Int_Temp[0])
if Internal_Temp_Offset < 0:
Internal_Temp_Offset = 0xFFFF + Internal_Temp_Offset
print "Internal Temp Offset = ", Internal_Temp_Offset
TS1_Offset = 2981 - (TS1_Temp[1]*256 + TS1_Temp[0])
if TS1_Offset < 0:
TS1_Offset = 0xFFFF + TS1_Offset
print "TS1 Offset = ", TS1_Offset
################ COV/CUV 校准####################
print "COV Calibration\n"
print "Apply the desired value for the cell over-voltage threshold to device cell inputs.\n"
print "Calibration will use the voltage applied to the top cell of the device.\n"
print "For example, Apply 4350mV\n"
print "Press enter when voltage is applied..."
keypress = raw_input("")
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x90, 0x00]) #Enter CONFIG_UPDATE Mode
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x91, 0xF0]) #Execute CAL_COV() 0xF091
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x92, 0x00]) #Exit CONFIG_UPDATE Mode
print "CUV Calibration\n"
print "Apply the desired value for the cell under-voltage threshold to device cell inputs.\n"
print "Calibration will use the voltage applied to the top cell of the device.\n"
print "For example, Apply 2400mV\n"
print "Press enter when voltage is applied..."
keypress = raw_input("")
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x90, 0x00]) #Enter CONFIG_UPDATE Mode
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x90, 0xF0]) #Execute CAL_COV() 0xF091
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x92, 0x00]) #Exit CONFIG_UPDATE Mode
################ 将校准数据写入 RAM ####################
print "Writing Calibration to Data RAM\n"
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x90, 0x00]) #Enter CONFIG_UPDATE Mode
#Cell Voltage Gains
DataRAM_Write(0x9180, [(Cell_Gain[0]%256),(Cell_Gain[0]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x9182, [(Cell_Gain[1]%256),(Cell_Gain[1]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x9184, [(Cell_Gain[2]%256),(Cell_Gain[2]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x9186, [(Cell_Gain[3]%256),(Cell_Gain[3]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x9188, [(Cell_Gain[4]%256),(Cell_Gain[4]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x918A, [(Cell_Gain[5]%256),(Cell_Gain[5]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x918C, [(Cell_Gain[6]%256),(Cell_Gain[6]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x918E, [(Cell_Gain[7]%256),(Cell_Gain[7]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x9190, [(Cell_Gain[8]%256),(Cell_Gain[8]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x9192, [(Cell_Gain[9]%256),(Cell_Gain[9]/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x91B0, [(Cell_Offset%256),(Cell_Offset/256)] )
#PACK, LD, TOS Gains
DataRAM_Write(0x91A0, [(PACK_Gain%256),(PACK_Gain/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x91A2, [(TOS_Gain%256),(TOS_Gain/256)] )
DataRAM_Write(0x91A4, [(LD_Gain%256),(LD_Gain/256)] )
#CC Offset, CC Gain, Capacity Gain
DataRAM_Write(0x91C8, [(Board_Offset%256),(Board_Offset/256)])
DataRAM_Write(0x91A8, [int(CC_Gain[8:10],16),int(CC_Gain[6:8],16),int(CC_Gain[4:6],16),int(CC_Gain[2:4],16)])
DataRAM_Write(0x91AC, [int(Capacity_Gain[8:10],16),int(Capacity_Gain[6:8],16),int(Capacity_Gain[4:6],16),int(Capacity_Gain[2:4],16)])
#Temperature Offsets
DataRAM_Write(0x91CA, [(Internal_Temp_Offset%256),(Internal_Temp_Offset/256)])
DataRAM_Write(0x91CE, [(TS1_Offset%256),(TS1_Offset/256)])
I2C_Write(I2C_ADDR, 0x3E, [0x92, 0x00]) #Exit CONFIG_UPDATE Mode
print("End of calibration")
# Close the EV2400