5 修订历史记录
Changes from A Revision (August 2013) to B Revision
Changed 已将此数据表更改为新的模板布局。Go
添加了器件信息表。 Go
Added Handling Ratings table. Go
Changed MAX value of "VIN" from 5.5 V to 5.7 V. Go
Changed MAX value of "VBIAS" from 5.5 V to 5.7 V. Go
Changed MAX value of "VON" from 5.5 V to 5.7 V.Go
Added Thermal Information table. Go
Added Detailed Description Section. Go
Added Application and Implementation section. Go
Added Power Supply Recommendations section. Go
Added Layout section. Go
Changes from * Revision (August 2012) to A Revision
Updated VON MAX value to fix typo that restricted operating range. Changed MAX value from "VIN" to "5.5" to align with rest of document. Go