ZHCSGQ0A September 2017 – February 2022 TIC10024-Q1
When the device temperature goes above the temperature warning trigger temperature (TTW), the TIC10024-Q1 performs the following operations:
The INT pin is released and the INT_STAT register content is cleared on the rising edge of CS provided the INT_STAT register has been read during CS low. The TIC10024-Q1 continues to monitor the temperature, but does not issue further interrupts if the temperature continues to stay above TTW- THYS. The status bit TW_STAT in register IN_STAT_MISC continues to stay at logic 1 as long as the temperature warning condition exists.
If desired, the reduction of wetting current down to 2mA setting (from 10 mA or 15 mA) can be disabled by setting the TW_CUR_DIS_CSO or TW_CUR_DIS_CSI bit in the CONFIG register to 1. The interrupt is still generated ( INT asserted low and INT_STAT interrupt register is updated) when the temperature warning event occurs but the wetting current is not reduced. This setting applies to both the polling and continuous mode operation. Note if the feature is enabled, switch detection result might be impacted upon TTW event if the wetting current is reduced to 2mA from 10mA or 15mA.
When the temperature drops below TTW- THYS, the INT pin is asserted low (if released previously) to notify the microcontroller that the temperature warning condition no longer exists. The TW bit of the interrupt register INT_STAT is flagged logic 1. The TW_STAT bit in the IN_STAT_MISC register is de-asserted back to logic 0. The device resumes operation using the current programmed settings (regardless of the INT and CS status).