ZHCUAP8A July 2022 – January 2023 AFE7950 , TRF1208
#Configures the reference input frequency to the on-chip PLL of the AFE7920.
sysParams.FRef = 491.52
#Configures the RXADC converter sample rate.
sysParams.FadcRx = 2949.12
#Configures the FBADC converter sample rate.
sysParams.FadcFb = 2949.12
#Configures the TXDAC converter sample rate.
sysParams.Fdac = 2949.12*3
#Sets the clock source for the RXADC converters.The source is now from the on-chip PLL.
sysParams.externalClockRx = False
#Sets the clock source for the TXDAC converters.The source is now from the on-chip PLL.
sysParams.externalClockTx = False