

具有呼吸、起搏器、导联脱落和导联质量检测以及 FIFO 功能的低功耗 4 通道 ECG AFE


Applications 3-lead ECG, 5-lead ECG, 6-lead ECG, Patient monitoring Number of input channels 4 Resolution (Bits) 24 Interface type SPI Operating temperature range (°C) -20 to 85 Rating Catalog
Applications 3-lead ECG, 5-lead ECG, 6-lead ECG, Patient monitoring Number of input channels 4 Resolution (Bits) 24 Interface type SPI Operating temperature range (°C) -20 to 85 Rating Catalog
VQFN (RGZ) 48 49 mm² 7 x 7
  • Integrated Signal Chain for ECG, Pace Detection, and Respiration Measurement
  • ECG Receiver
    • Four high resolution channels at low power of 0.42mW/channel
    • Flexible four leads selectable from six electrodes
    • Programmable gain: 1.25 to 9
    • Input-referred noise: 4µVPP in 150Hz BW
    • Differential input range: ±1V with Gain = 4
    • CMRR: -140dB
    • Data rate: 125SPS to 128kSPS
  • Pace Detection
    • On-chip digital pace detection algorithm on programmable two leads
    • High-speed 128kSPS pace output on two channels for software pace detection
  • Respiration
    • Low-noise of 24mΩPP with 2kΩ body impedance and 1kΩ defibrillator protection resistor on each electrode
    • Supports Sine and Square wave excitation
  • Other Features
    • Built-in right leg drive amplifier steerable to any electrode
    • DC lead-off detection, AC lead impedance detection, Wilson Center Terminal (WCT), Goldberger Central Terminals (GCT), test signals
    • Battery voltage monitoring
    • Flexible power-down and standby modes
    • Built-in oscillator, PLL, and reference
    • 1k sample main FIFO and 2k sample pace FIFO
    • SPI-compatible serial interface
    • Analog supply voltage 1: 3.15V to 5.25V
    • Analog supply voltage 2: 1.7V to 1.9V
    • I/O supply voltage: 1.65V to 3.6V
  • Supports systems meeting AAMI EC11, AMI EC13, AMI EC38, IEC60601-1, IEC60601-2-25, IEC60601-2-27, and IEC60601-2-51 standards
  • Integrated Signal Chain for ECG, Pace Detection, and Respiration Measurement
  • ECG Receiver
    • Four high resolution channels at low power of 0.42mW/channel
    • Flexible four leads selectable from six electrodes
    • Programmable gain: 1.25 to 9
    • Input-referred noise: 4µVPP in 150Hz BW
    • Differential input range: ±1V with Gain = 4
    • CMRR: -140dB
    • Data rate: 125SPS to 128kSPS
  • Pace Detection
    • On-chip digital pace detection algorithm on programmable two leads
    • High-speed 128kSPS pace output on two channels for software pace detection
  • Respiration
    • Low-noise of 24mΩPP with 2kΩ body impedance and 1kΩ defibrillator protection resistor on each electrode
    • Supports Sine and Square wave excitation
  • Other Features
    • Built-in right leg drive amplifier steerable to any electrode
    • DC lead-off detection, AC lead impedance detection, Wilson Center Terminal (WCT), Goldberger Central Terminals (GCT), test signals
    • Battery voltage monitoring
    • Flexible power-down and standby modes
    • Built-in oscillator, PLL, and reference
    • 1k sample main FIFO and 2k sample pace FIFO
    • SPI-compatible serial interface
    • Analog supply voltage 1: 3.15V to 5.25V
    • Analog supply voltage 2: 1.7V to 1.9V
    • I/O supply voltage: 1.65V to 3.6V
  • Supports systems meeting AAMI EC11, AMI EC13, AMI EC38, IEC60601-1, IEC60601-2-25, IEC60601-2-27, and IEC60601-2-51 standards

The AFE1594 is a family of multichannel, simultaneous sampling, 24-bit, delta-sigma (ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with built-in programmable gain Instrumentation Amplifiers (INAs), internal reference, and an on-chip PLL. The AFE supports digital pace pulse detection, thoracic impedance measurement and incorporates all of the features that are commonly required in medical electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) applications. Multiple AFE159x devices can be cascaded in high channel count systems. With high levels of integration and exceptional performance, the AFE159x enables the development of scalable medical instrumentation systems at significantly reduced size, power, and overall cost.

The AFE1594 is a family of multichannel, simultaneous sampling, 24-bit, delta-sigma (ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with built-in programmable gain Instrumentation Amplifiers (INAs), internal reference, and an on-chip PLL. The AFE supports digital pace pulse detection, thoracic impedance measurement and incorporates all of the features that are commonly required in medical electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) applications. Multiple AFE159x devices can be cascaded in high channel count systems. With high levels of integration and exceptional performance, the AFE159x enables the development of scalable medical instrumentation systems at significantly reduced size, power, and overall cost.

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* 数据表 AFE159x Low-Power, 4-Channel, 24-Bit Analog Front-Ends for Bio-Potential Measurements 数据表 (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2024年 11月 12日




AFE1594EVM — AFE1594 evaluation module

AFE1594 评估套件是一款开发平台,可用于评估适用于患者监护和诊断应用的 AFE1594 的性能。AFE1594 是多通道同步采样 24 位 Δ-Σ 模数转换器 (ADC) 系列,此系列 ADC 具有内置可编程增益仪表放大器 (INA),内部基准以及片上时钟。AFE 将心电图 (ECG) 和脑电图 (EEG) 等医疗应用所需的所有常见功能集于一身。凭借高集成度以及出色的性能,AFE1594 能够以大幅缩小的尺寸、更低的功耗和整体成本,实现可扩展医疗仪器系统的开发。

AFE159RP4-DESIGN AFE159RP4 design resources

The full data sheet and other design resources for this device are available here.


生物传感 AFE
AFE1594 具有呼吸、起搏器、导联脱落和导联质量检测以及 FIFO 功能的低功耗 4 通道 ECG AFE AFE159P4 具有起搏器、导联脱落和导联质量检测以及 FIFO 功能的低功耗 4 通道 ECG AFE AFE159RP4 具有呼吸、起搏器、导联脱落和导联质量检测以及 FIFO 功能的低功耗 4 通道 ECG AFE

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借助 PSpice for TI 的设计和仿真环境及其内置的模型库,您可对复杂的混合信号设计进行仿真。创建完整的终端设备设计和原型解决方案,然后再进行布局和制造,可缩短米6体育平台手机版_好二三四上市时间并降低开发成本。

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封装 引脚 CAD 符号、封装和 3D 模型
VQFN (RGZ) 48 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 器件标识
  • 引脚镀层/焊球材料
  • MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度
  • MTBF/时基故障估算
  • 材料成分
  • 鉴定摘要
  • 持续可靠性监测
  • 制造厂地点
  • 封装厂地点

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