这款 80V、2.6mΩ、D2PAK (TO-263) NexFET™功率 MOSFET 被设计成在功率转换应用中大大降低 损耗。
TA=25°C | 典型值 | 单位 | ||
VDS | 漏源电压 | 80 | V | |
Qg | 栅极电荷总量 (10V) | 76 | nC | |
Qgd | 栅极电荷 栅极到漏极 | 11 | nC | |
RDS(on) | 漏源导通电阻 | VGS = 6V | 2.9 | mΩ |
VGS = 10V | 2.6 | mΩ | ||
VGS(th) | 阈值电压 | 2.6 | V |
器件 | 数量 | 包装介质 | 封装 | 运输 |
CSD19505KTT | 500 | 13 英寸卷带 | D2PAK 塑料封装 | 卷带封装 |
CSD19505KTTT | 50 |
TA = 25°C | 值 | 单位 | |
VDS | 漏源电压 | 80 | V |
VGS | 栅源电压 | ±20 | V |
ID | 持续漏极电流(受封装限制) | 200 | A |
持续漏极电流(受芯片限制),TC = 25°C 时测得 | 212 | A | |
持续漏极电流(受芯片限制),TC = 100°C 时测得 | 150 | A | |
IDM | 脉冲漏极电流(1) | 400 | A |
PD | 功率耗散 | 300 | W |
TJ, Tstg |
工作结温, 储存温度 |
-55 至 175 | °C |
EAS | 雪崩能量,单一脉冲 ID = 101A,L = 0.1mH,RG = 25Ω |
510 | mJ |
RDS(on) 与 VGS 间的关系![]() |
栅极电荷![]() |
日期 | 修订版本 | 注释 |
2016 年 3 月 | * | 最初发布。 |
BVDSS | Drain-to-source voltage | VGS = 0 V, ID = 250 μA | 80 | V | |||
IDSS | Drain-to-source leakage current | VGS = 0 V, VDS = 64 V | 1 | μA | |||
IGSS | Gate-to-source leakage current | VDS = 0 V, VGS = 20 V | 100 | nA | |||
VGS(th) | Gate-to-source threshold voltage | VDS = VGS, ID = 250 μA | 2.2 | 2.6 | 3.2 | V | |
RDS(on) | Drain-to-source on-resistance | VGS = 6 V, ID = 100 A | 2.9 | 3.8 | mΩ | ||
VGS = 10 V, ID = 100 A | 2.6 | 3.1 | mΩ | ||||
gfs | Transconductance | VDS = 8 V, ID = 100 A | 262 | S | |||
Ciss | Input capacitance | VGS = 0 V, VDS = 40 V, ƒ = 1 MHz | 6090 | 7920 | pF | ||
Coss | Output capacitance | 1600 | 2080 | pF | |||
Crss | Reverse transfer capacitance | 26 | 34 | pF | |||
RG | Series gate resistance | 1.4 | 2.8 | Ω | |||
Qg | Gate charge total (10 V) | VDS = 40 V, ID = 100 A | 76 | nC | |||
Qgd | Gate charge gate-to-drain | 11 | nC | ||||
Qgs | Gate charge gate-to-source | 25 | nC | ||||
Qg(th) | Gate charge at Vth | 15 | nC | ||||
Qoss | Output charge | VDS = 40 V, VGS = 0 V | 214 | nC | |||
td(on) | Turn on delay time | VDS = 40 V, VGS = 10 V, IDS = 100 A, RG = 0 Ω |
11 | ns | |||
tr | Rise time | 5 | ns | ||||
td(off) | Turn off delay time | 22 | ns | ||||
tf | Fall time | 3 | ns | ||||
VSD | Diode forward voltage | ISD = 100 A, VGS = 0 V | 0.9 | 1.1 | V | ||
Qrr | Reverse recovery charge | VDS= 40 V, IF = 100 A, di/dt = 300 A/μs |
400 | nC | |||
trr | Reverse recovery time | 88 | ns |
RθJC | Junction-to-case thermal resistance | 0.5 | °C/W | ||
RθJA | Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance | 62 | °C/W |
VDS = 5 V | ||
VDS = 40 V | ID = 100 A | ||
ID = 250 µA | ||
ID = 100 A | ||
Single Pulse, Max RθJC = 0.5°C/W | ||
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这些装置包含有限的内置 ESD 保护。 存储或装卸时,应将导线一起截短或将装置放置于导电泡棉中,以防止 MOS 门极遭受静电损伤。
SLYZ022 — TI Glossary.
This glossary lists and explains terms, acronyms, and definitions.