The purpose of this study is to characterize the single-event effects (SEE) performance due to heavy-ion irradiation of the ADC3683-SP. Heavy-ions with LETEFF (Effective Linear Energy Transfer) of up to 79MeV × cm2/ mg were used to irradiate the device. Tests were run across a range of flux and fluences for the characterization. Flux was between 102 ions / (cm2 × s) and 105 ions / (cm2 × s) and fluence between 105 ions / cm2 and 107 ions / cm2 per run. The results demonstrated that the ADC3683-SP is single event latch-up free at T = 125°C. Single event upsets are characterized at 25°C and no functional interrupts (power-cycle events) were seen up to 79MeV × cm2/ mg. See Section 8 for more details.
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