LP38798-ADJ 是一款高性能、低噪声的 LDO,可提供高达 800mA 的输出电流。LP38798-ADJ 的设计满足敏感射频/模拟电路的要求,它采用基于先进 CMOS 工艺的新型线性拓扑技术,可在不同的开关电源频率下提供超低输出噪声和高 PSRR。LP38798SD-ADJ 与陶瓷和钽输出电容器一起工作时均可保持稳定,最小仅需 1µF 的输出电容即可保证稳定。
LP38798-ADJ 可在宽输入电压范围(3V 至 20V)内工作,非常适合多种后级调节 应用。
器件型号 | 封装 | 封装尺寸(标称值) |
LP38798 | WSON (12) | 4.00mm x 4.00mm |
Changes from E Revision (August 2016) to F Revision
Changes from D Revision (June 2016) to E Revision
Changes from C Revision (June2016) to D Revision
Changes from B Revision (December 2014) to C Revision
Changes from A Revision (May 2013) to B Revision
1, 2 | IN | I | Device unregulated input voltage pins. Connect pins together at the package. |
3 | IN(CP) | I | Charge pump input voltage pin. Connect directly to pins 1 and 2 at the package. |
4 | CP | O | Charge pump output. See Charge Pump section in Application and Implementation for more information. |
5 | EN | I | Enable pin. This pin has an internal pullup to turn the LDO output on by default. A logic low level turns the LDO output Off, and reduce the operating current of the device. See Enable Input Operation section in Application and Implementation for more information. |
6 | GND(CP) | — | Device charge pump ground pin. |
7 | GND | — | Device analog ground pin. |
8 | FB | i | Feedback pin for programming the output voltage. |
9 | SET | I/O | Reference voltage output, and noise filter input. A feedback resistor divider network from this pin to FB and GND will set the output voltage of the device. |
10 | OUT(FB) | I | OUT buffer feedback input pin. Connect directly to pins 11 and 12 at the package. |
11, 12 | OUT | O | Device regulated output voltage pins. Connect pins together at the package. |
Exposed Pad | DAP | — | The exposed die attach pad on the bottom of the package must be connected to a copper thermal pad on the PCB at ground potential. Connect to ground potential or leave floating. Do not connect to any potential other than the same ground potential seen at device pins 6 (GND(CP)) and 7 (GND). See Thermal Considerations section in Layout for more information. |