Multicoreware Inc.

Provider of AI and ML software

MulticoreWare delivers software IP Solutions and Engineering Services serving a wide group of customers with Compilers & Toolchains, Libraries for SDK, Video codec and AI analytics solutions using various vision & non-vision (Radar, LiDAR, IMU, GPS, etc.) sensors on various heterogenous computing platforms. Our solutions are used in Automotive (ADAS/AD), Surveillance, Defence, Medical Imaging, IoT, Retail, Logistics, Industrial, Robotics, Smart City. MulticoreWare’s industry-leading video codec products (x266™/x265/Ultraziq) have been deployed in live streaming or VOD services across many broadcast customers.

Arm ベースのプロセッサ
AM620-Q1 車載、ドライバー監視機能とネットワーク機能と V2X (車車間および路車間通信) システム向けの安全機能を組み込んだコンピューティング SoC (システム オン チップ) AM623 Arm® Cortex®-A53 ベースの物体検出機能とジェスチャ認識機能搭載、IoT (モノのインターネット) とゲートウェイ向け SoC AM625 Arm® Cortex®-A53 ベースのエッジAI とフル HD デュアル ディスプレイを組み合わせた、人間と機械の対話型操作向け SoC
  • サポート・ソフトウェア
  • インド
  • 中国
  • 北米
  • 4010 Moorpark Avenue
  • #228
  • San Jose, California, 95117
  • United States



MCW-3P-FACEREC — MulticoreWare software for face recognition, authentication and human behavior analytics

MulticoreWare is a software engineering product and services company that combines its expertise in artificial intelligence and embedded systems to create Linux-based solutions to solve real world challenges in imaging, building automation, retail, authentication, smart city and a variety of (...)


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