The ’AC283 and ’ACT283 4-bit binary adders with fast carry that utilize Advanced CMOS Logic technology. These devices add two 4-bit binary numbers and generate a carry-out bit if the sum exceeds 15.
Because of the symmetry of the add function, this device can be used with either all active-HIGH operands (positive logic) or with all active-LOW operands (negative logic). When using positive logic, the carry-in input must be tied LOW if there is no carry-in.
The ’AC283 and ’ACT283 4-bit binary adders with fast carry that utilize Advanced CMOS Logic technology. These devices add two 4-bit binary numbers and generate a carry-out bit if the sum exceeds 15.
Because of the symmetry of the add function, this device can be used with either all active-HIGH operands (positive logic) or with all active-LOW operands (negative logic). When using positive logic, the carry-in input must be tied LOW if there is no carry-in.