‌12V/48V 配电盒


‌12V/48V 配电盒



我们适用于汽车类配电盒 (PDB) 的集成电路和参考设计可为您提供完整的 PDB 和智能接线盒系统设计,其中包括 LDO、CAN 和 LIN 车载网络、跛行回家功能和智能电源开关。


现代 PDB 需要:

  • 为各种负载提供开关电源。
  • 降低 EMI,以优化系统性能。
  • 优化热性能,以管理功率耗散。

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‌12V/48V 配电盒

Discrete or system basis chip (SBC) Discrete or system basis chip (SBC) Zone ECU Zone ECU Powered at all time Powered at all time Load Load CAN bus CAN bus CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN ESD CAN ESD MCU MCU MCU MCU Diagnostic inputs Diagnostic inputs Comparator Comparator Temperature sense Temperature sense Logic Logic ECU ECU Load Load DC/DC converter DC/DC converter High Voltage Battery High Voltage Battery DC/DC converter DC/DC converter 12V Battery 12V Battery Pre-fuse box Pre-fuse box Off Board Off Board Off Board Loads/ECUs Off Board Loads/ECUs Motor Motor Power Distribution Box Power Distribution Box Power switched on/off Power switched on/off Load Load Load Load Power switched on/off Power switched on/off Power supply Power supply Supervisor Supervisor Watchdog Watchdog Reverse battery protection Reverse battery protection Supply OR/power mux Supply OR/power mux Voltage regulator Voltage regulator Load drivers Load drivers HS switches HS switches HS switch controller HS switch controller Motor drivers Motor drivers Current sense Current sense Reverse current protection Reverse current protection Smart fuse Smart fuse HS switches HS switches Current sense Current sense HS switch controllers HS switch controllers


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应用手册 Adjustable Current Limit of Smart Power Switches (Rev. B) 2019年 1月 21日
应用手册 High-Side Switches Paralleling Channels 2018年 4月 30日
白皮书 Evolution vs. revolution: the building blocks of automotive body electronics 2018年 4月 11日

