







  • 通过灵敏的防夹检测功能控制强大的机械。
  • 电动或手动操作的灵活性。
  • 驱动高电流负载的同时实现低功率耗散。
  • 在短暂的电池电源瞬态期间提供完整的位置信息。

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M M M M M M Clutch Clutch Position feedback Position feedback Hall effect sensors Hall effect sensors Temperature feedback Temperature feedback Temperature sensors Temperaturesensors Sliding door motor Sliding door motor Door cinch motor Door cinch motor Window motor (optional) Window motor (optional) LED light LED light M M Door lock motor Door lock motor Body control module (BCM) Body control module (BCM) Communication interface Communication interface CAN/LIN ESD CAN/LIN ESD CAN or LIN CAN or LIN Power supply Power supply Reverse battery protection Reverse battery protection Supply voltage supervisor Supply voltage supervisor Watchdog timer Watchdog timer Voltage regulator Voltage regulator Car battery Carbattery MCU MCU MCU MCU Motor driver Motor driver DC motor driver DC motor driver DC motor driver DC motor driver DC motor driver DC motor driver High-side driver High-side driver DC motor driver DC motor driver LED driver LED driver Constant current regulator Constant current regulator Current sense Current sense Current sense amps. Current sense amps.


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