CT 和 PET 扫描仪


CT 和 PET 扫描仪



我们的集成电路和参考设计可帮助您创建具有高精度电机驱动技术的高性能计算机断层扫描 (CT) 和正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 扫描仪,以满足系统设计要求。


现代 CT 和 PET 扫描仪通常需要:

  • 更高的功率密度、灵活性和可靠性。
  • 实时、高分辨率图像处理。
  • 超低剂量性能和增强的患者体验。

TI 米6体育平台手机版_好二三四不可用于生命攸关的医疗设备,除非已由双方授权官员签署了专门管控此类使用情况的特殊合同。如需更多信息,请参阅我们的销售条款

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CT 检测器模块

12V/24V input 12V/24V input Low voltage power supply Low voltage power supply Sequencer Sequencer LDO LDO Supervisor/reset Supervisor/reset Buck-boost Buck-boost Bias generation Bias generation DAC DAC MOSFETs MOSFETs REF REF PMIC PMIC Clocking Clocking Clock oscillator Clock oscillator Clock gen Clock gen Clock buf Clock buf Wired interface Wired interface ESD ESD High speed IO High speed IO ESD ESD RS-232/485/422 RS-232/485/422 Custom I/O Custom I/O Ethernet PHY Ethernet PHY ESD ESD ESD ESD Isolated interface Isolated interface Isolated RS-232/485/422 IsolatedRS-232/485/422 Digital isolator Digital isolator Digital processing Digital processing Logic Logic MPU/DSP/MCU MPU/DSP/MCU FPGA FPGA Level translation Level translation Diagnostics & monitoring Diagnostics & monitoring Current sensor Current sensor Comparator Comparator REF REF Temp sensor Temp sensor ADC ADC Switch/MUX Switch/MUX Humidity sensor Humidity sensor Memory Memory DDR DDR Flash Flash DDR termination DDR termination Analog front end Analog front end AFEs AFEs REF REF ADC ADC Sensor array Sensor array Input power protection Input power protection eFuse/load switch/hot swap controllers eFuse/load switch/hot swap controllers ESD/TVS ESD/TVS


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