




我们的集成电路和参考设计使您能够构建通过传感器将流量测量数据转换为电信号的流量变送器。通过环路供电的 4-20mA 接口、IO-Link 接口或无线连接进行传输。



  • 用于感应的精密信号链。
  • 多协议工业通信和接口解决方案。




电磁 (MID) 流量变送器

Input User Interface Input User Interface HMI HMI Output User Interface Output User Interface HMI HMI AC-Main or DC AC-Main or DC Isolated AC/DC Power Supply Isolated AC/DC Power Supply Wide Input AC/DC Wide Input AC/DC 24V Field Power 24V Field Power Non-Isolated DC/DC Power Supply (Main) Non-Isolated DC/DC Power Supply (Main) Low Noise Power Low Noise Power DC/DC DC/DC Isolated DC/DC Power Supply Isolated DC/DC Power Supply Isolated DC/DC Isolated DC/DC DC/DC DC/DC Low Noise Power LowNoisePower Wired Interface Wired Interface 4-20mA HART 4-20mA HART SIO IO-Link SIO IO-Link CAN CAN Ethernet Ethernet ProfibusPA FF ProfibusPA FF Digital Processing Digital Processing MCU MPU MCUMPU Signal Isolation SignalIsolation Data Isolation Data Isolation Signal Input/Output Protection (Output) Signal Input/Output Protection (Output) Protection Protection Protection Protection Wireless Interface Wireless Interface NFC NFC BLE BLE WHART WHART ISA100 ISA100 Non-Isolated DC/DC Power Supply (PoL) Non-Isolated DC/DC Power Supply (PoL) DC/DC DC/DC Supervisor Sequencer Supervisor Sequencer Signal Input/Output Protection (Input) Signal Input/Output Protection (Input) Protection Protection Protection Protection Input Power Protection Input Power Protection TVS Protection TVS Protection Analog Front-End Analog Front-End ADC ADC PGA AMP PGAAMP Diff LNA DiffLNA REF REF Temp Sensor TempSensor Driver Stage Driver Stage Current Sensor CurrentSensor


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