其他工业电池组(1 节至 9 节)


其他工业电池组(1 节至 9 节)



我们的集成电路和参考设计可帮助您为电子销售终端 (EPOS) 电池组、Bluetooth® 扬声器电池组和监控摄像头电池组等应用设计高度可靠的工业电池组(1–9 节电池),并实现保护、监控、电池平衡、认证和电量计量等功能。


创新的工业电池组(1–9 节电池)设计通常需要:

  • 稳健的电压、温度、电流和短路保护。
  • 可保证安全性的精确电流和电压检测以及单电池监测。
  • 可准确指示实时电池容量和运行状况。
  • 低待机电流和超低运输功耗。

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Please try to keep your diagram above this line. Please try to keep your diagram above this line. Please try to keep your diagram above this line. Please try to keep your diagram above this line. Please keep your diagram within the guides Please keep your diagram within the guides Please keep your diagram within the guides Please keep your diagram within the guides Please place the top of your diagram at the top guide. Please place the top of your diagram at the top guide. Pack+ Pack+ Pack- Pack- Data Data …… …… Cell Balancing MOSFETs Cell BalancingMOSFETs Pre-charge/Charge/Discharge Pre-charge/Charge/Discharge LV- MOSFET LV- MOSFET Fuse Fuse FET Driver FET Driver Protector/Monitor Protector/Monitor Temp Sensor Temp Sensor Secondary Protector Secondary Protector Battery Management Control Unit Battery Management Control Unit Fuel Gauge Fuel Gauge ESD Protection ESD Protection Authentication Authentication LDO LDO


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