







  • 对电子控制单元进行精确的电流和电压测量。
  • 快速启动器件。
  • 通过集成实现紧凑设计。

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CT CT PT PT AC Input AC Input +/-12V +/-12V Battery Input Battery Input Iso Power Iso Power Iso Ground Iso Ground +/-5V +/-5V +3.3V +3.3V Clocking Clocking Clock Buffer Clock Buffer Synthesizer Synthesizer Memory Memory DDR Termination DDR Termination Trip Coil Control Trip Coil Control +1.8V +1.8V 24/12V 24/12V P1 P2 P3 N P1 P2 P3 N +12V +12V +5V +5V +3.3V +3.3V +1.8V +1.8V -12V -12V -5V -5V HMI User Output HMI User Output LED Driver LED Driver Ambient Light Sensing Ambient Light Sensing MOSFET MOSFET Backlight Controller Backlight Controller IO Expander IO Expander LCD LCD Trip Coil Supervision Trip Coil Supervision Relay Driver Relay Driver Solenoid Driver Solenoid Driver Digital Logic Digital Logic INA INA ADC ADC High side switch connector High side switch connector Interface Isolation Interface Isolation ISO ISO ISOW ISOW Serial interface Serial interface Profibus Profibus RS-232 RS-232 RS-485 RS-485 CAN CAN Interface Protection Interface Protection ESD Diode ESD Diode TVS TVS Wired Interface Wired Interface USB USB ETH-PHY ETH-PHY Sub 1GHz/2.4GHz Sub 1GHz/2.4GHz LPRF LPRF Analog Front-End Analog Front-End ADC ADC Reference Reference Buffer Buffer MUX MUX COMP COMP Analog PLL Analog PLL AMP AMP AMP AMP V V I I Signal Input Protection Signal Input Protection Protection Protection Protection Protection Battery Management Battery Management BMS BMS INA INA Reverse polarity protection Reverse polarity protection eFuse eFuse Temperature Temperature Self-Diagnostics/Montintoring Self-Diagnostics/Montintoring Supervisor/ Watchdog Supervisor/ Watchdog Temperature Temperature Humidity Humidity Isolation Binary input Isolation Binary input Logic gates Logic gates TVS TVS Digital isolator Digital isolator Isolated AC/DC Power Supply Isolated AC/DC Power Supply Mosfet Mosfet Sync. Rectifer Sync.Rectifer PWM Controller PWM Controller Reference Reference PFC PFC Non-Isolated DC/DC Power Supply Non-Isolated DC/DC Power Supply DC/DC DC/DC LDO LDO PMIC PMIC OR controller OR controller Input Power Protection Input Power Protection eFuse eFuse Hot Swap Controller Hot Swap Controller TVS TVS Isolated DC/DC Power Supply Isolated DC/DC Power Supply Load Switch Load Switch Load Switch Load Switch LDO LDO LDO LDO Transformer Driver Transformer Driver Digital Processing Digital Processing DSP DSP MCU MCU MPU MPU Level Translator Level Translator


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