




我们的集成电路和参考设计可帮助您创建伺服驱动器功能安全模块,使其通过可靠的速度和位置测量以及强大的数字 IO 实现 IEC 61800-5-2 要求的各种功能。我们的米6体育平台手机版_好二三四能够为检测各种故障实行诊断覆盖,从而帮助提高安全失效分数。



  • 可在 60V 直流输入电压下工作或受到相应防护的电源。
  • 冗余多协议编码器接口和受保护的数字输入/输出。
  • 交叉监控信号并实现单一硬件容错。
  • 通过监控电压轨和温度对电路进行持续自我诊断。

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VDD 2 VDD 2 VDD 1 VDD 1 Connector to: resolver, encoder Connector to: resolver, encoder Resolver or SIN/COS encoder (analog) Resolver or SIN/COS encoder (analog) Absolute or incremental encoder (digital) Absolute or incremental encoder (digital) Safe digital input Safe digital input Safe digital output Safe digital output 24 V field supply 24 V field supply Board to board connection Board to board connection Redundant supplies Redundant supplies Logic input power protection Logic inputpower protection eFuse eFuse Hot swap controller Hot swapcontroller Voltage supervisor Voltage supervisor Over voltage switch Over voltage switch Non-isolated DC/DC logic / encoder power supply Non-isolated DC/DC logic / encoder power supply Sequencer Sequencer DC/DC DC/DC PMIC PMIC LDO LDO Encoder power protection Encoder power protection eFuse eFuse Load switch Load switch Voltage supervisor Voltage supervisor Field input power protection Field input power protection eFuse eFuse Non-isolated DC/DC field power supply Non-isolated DC/DC field power supply LDO LDO DC/DC DC/DC 1 X digital output interface 1 X digital output interface Digital isolator Digital isolator Logic Logic High side load switch High side load switch Low side load switch Low side load switch High side load switch High side load switch Digital isolator Digital isolator Digital isolator Digital isolator Isolated input receiver Isolated input receiver Digital processing Digital processing MCU MPU MCUMPU Memory Memory Memory Memory MCU MPU MCUMPU 1 X digital input interface 1 X digital input interface Isolated input receiver Isolated input receiver Logic Logic Isolated input receiver Isolated input receiver Board to board interface Board to board interface Transceiver Transceiver Digital isolator Digital isolator Buffer Buffer Protection Protection Self-diagnostics/monitoring Self-diagnostics/monitoring Voltage supervisor Voltage supervisor Watchdog timer Watchdogtimer Temp Temp Comp Comp ADC ADC SIN/COS AFE SIN/COS AFE Ref Ref Comp Comp Amp Amp ADC ADC Signal quality monitoring Signal quality monitoring Protection Protection Resolver excitation Resolver excitation DAC DAC Amp Amp Protection Protection Encoder interface Encoder interface Mux Mux Level translator Level translator RS-485/RS-422 RS-485/RS-422 Protection Protection Comp Comp Signal quality monitoring Signal quality monitoring


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