DLPDLCR160CPEVM is a prototype evaluation module and is available in limited quantities.
DLP160CP evaluation module for DLP® LightCrafter™ Display with 0.16 nHD
The DLP® LightCrafter™ Display 0.16-nHD evaluation module (EVM) is designed to enable microcontroller (MCU)-generated graphics display without the need of a video processor. This opens new possibilities for affordable DLP free-form on-demand display implementations in industrial and personal electronic applications such as appliances, human machine interface, robotics and toys. This EVM features DLP160CP chipset including DLPC3421, 0.16-nHD (360x640) optical engine and MSPM0G3507 MCU for image generation out of the box. Visit DLPDLCR2000EVM for an EVM using microprocessor-driven (MPU) display applications (MPU not included).
- Small form factor (66 mm x 56 mm)
- DLP display EVM capable of displaying MCU generated content
- Easily evaluate image display from Micro SD card
- MSPM0G MCU family compatible (JTAG and UART supported)
Arm Cortex-M0+ MCUs
Order & start development
DLPDLCR160CPEVM — DLP160CP evaluation module for DLP® LightCrafter™ Display with 0.16 nHD
DMD-DIFFRACTION-EFFICIENCY-CALCULATOR — Calculator helps model DMD diffraction patterns and diffraction efficiency
DMD-DIFFRACTION-EFFICIENCY-CALCULATOR — Calculator helps model DMD diffraction patterns and diffraction efficiency
≥ 0.47-in array products
≤ 0.47-in array pico products
UV products (< 400 nm)
Visible products (420 to 700 nm)
Spectroscopy & optical networking products
Exterior lighting & projection products
Near-UV products (400 to 420 nm)
Display products
Near-infrared products (> 700 nm)
Multi-channel ICs (PMICs)
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Development kit
Optical module
Release Infomation
Copyright © 2024 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/
Product name: DMD Diffraction Efficiency Calculator
Date: May 2024
The DMD Diffraction Efficiency Calculator is used to help customers understand how to model DMD diffraction patterns and diffraction efficiency with their specific DMD input parameters and will be modeled to the customers specific design.
* Initial release
* Tested on Windows 10.
At http://e2e.ti.com/
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Release Infomation
The firmware is primarily intended for the DLPDLCR160CPEVM:
- Controller: DLPC3421
- PMIC: DLPA2005
- Illumination: 3-LED (RGB)
- I2C address: 0x36
- DMD pin mapping: Option 2
Known Limitations
- Artifact issues if Splash image 0 is saved as YCrCb format.
- Linearity issues on ramp Test Pattern Generator.
- Image Freeze command may disable after source select command is sent.
- External video requires double execution for reliable operation.
- Image scaling artifact when image crop set to 320x180.
- I2C speed is limited to 100 KHz
- Single Buffer Mode has various limitations. See Single Buffer Mode Documentation for more information.
- Manual Idle mode may be unsuitable for some situations as it takes time to enter and exit the mode. There are additional limitations of sending commands when in idle mode. See Idle Mode Documentation for more information.
- DSI support for 320 x 180 up to 60Hz
- DSI HS_PREP >110ns induces artifacts
- Splash screen requires double execution for reliable operation
- When operating with low IDAC values (i.e. low LED currents), non-linearities may occur with the LED currents. This could be optimized with a system level design (i.e. optimizing passives) or by avoiding operation in this region
- The DMD may not be properly parked if the controller is interrupted during its startup routine.
Near-UV products (400 to 420 nm)
≥ 0.47-in array products
≤ 0.47-in array pico products
UV products (< 400 nm)
Visible products (420 to 700 nm)
Spectroscopy & optical networking products
Exterior lighting & projection products
Display products
Near-infrared products (> 700 nm)
Multi-channel ICs (PMICs)
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Development kit
Optical module
Release Infomation
The DLP optical design guidelines presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the guidelines specific to designing an optical system with DLP Products and will help enable customers in their design process.
DLPDLCR160CPEVM-GUI — GUI for evaluation module (EVM)
DLPDLCR160CPEVM-GUI — GUI for evaluation module (EVM)
≤ 0.47-in array pico products
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Release Infomation
- Information page lets user get the status of the EVM
- Patterns and images page lets user set display patterns and images to the device and check which pattern is displayed
- Video and color page lets user modify the type of video output given to the device and choose from select color temperatures
- Display page lets user modify display and keystone settings
- IntelliBright™ technology page lets user modify IntelliBright settings and LED current settings
- Firmware page lets users update the firmware on the device
Know Issues
- The following OpCode commands are not supported in the Advanced Mode GUI: 27h, 28h, 29h, 2Ah, 39h, 3Ah, B6h, B7h, BAh, D2h, and DCh
- SW2 button press may not respond if commands are being sent to the MSPM0 and DLPC3421 controller
- The firmware backup page is not supported
DLPDLCR160CPEVM-MSPM0-CCS-APPSW — MSPM0 Code Composer Studio Project for DLPDLCR160CPEVM Evaluation Module
DLPDLCR160CPEVM-MSPM0-CCS-APPSW — MSPM0 Code Composer Studio Project for DLPDLCR160CPEVM Evaluation Module
Hardware development
Evaluation board
Release Infomation
The DLPDLCR160CPEVM-MSPM0 software development package allows engineers to develop applications with the on board MSPM0 microcontroller for this EVM. The software package comes as a demo code showcasing how the MSPM0G3507 interacts with the DLPC3421 controller.
Design files
Technical documentation
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