2.3 nV/√Hz, Differential, Time Gain Control (TGC) DAC Reference Design for Ultrasound
The TIDA-01427 reference design provides a solution for differential signal chain used for generating a time-varying control voltage (VCNTL) to drive multiple AFE devices in a parallel configuration. TI's low-noise analog front ends (AFEs) for medical ultrasound have a time gain control (TGC) feature that helps achieve best possible signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for ultrasound applications. This reference design uses dual multiplying DACs (DAC8802) followed by current-to-voltage converters (OPA2209) to generate a 20-V swing. After filtering this 20-V swing with a multiple feedback filter (THS4130), it is attenuated to 1.5-V using a passive attenuator. The design can be powered using a ±15 or 5-V supply (onboard Fly-Buck converter LM5160 converts a 5-V input to ±15-V rails). The clean power suppplies for the entire signal chain are generated using the TPS7A39 and TPS7A47. The ±10-V references for the DAC are generated using the REF5010 and OPA2209.
- Low-noise (2.3nV/√Hz), differential TGC signal enables AFE58xx series devices to amplify lower amplitude signals resulting in higher depth of penetration in ultrasound imaging
- Enables AFEs to resolve the data with lower noise resulting in high resolution ultrasound images
- Full signal chain propagation delay of < 5µs improves overall system response time
- Second-order Butterworth active low-pass filter with fc = 150 kHz helps smooth transition of control signal
- Capable of driving up to 64+ channels of AFEs
- Configurable output common-mode voltage from 0 to 2.5V to support AFEs with different control voltage requirements
A fully assembled board has been developed for testing and performance validation only, and is not available for sale.
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