DAC8806 评估模块
TheDAC8806EVM is a full featured evaluation board featuring either the DAC8806 or DAC8820. These devices are 14-bit and 16-bit, multiplying DACs with a microprocessor and TMS320 DSP-compatible parallel interface. The data bits are double-buffered so that the output can be updated asynchronously using the LDAC pin. Developed for a wide range of supply voltages, these DACs can be operated from 2.7 V to 5.5 V. The EVM ships with either the DAC8806 or DAC8820 device installed. The chip select function, to the installed device, is decoded allowing the EVM user to use up to three EVMs together.
- Full-featured evaluation board featuring either the DAC8806 or DAC8820, parallel digital-to-analog converters (DAC)
- Onboard reference selection options for ±10 V or external source
- High-speed parallel interface
- Compatible with the 5-6K and HPA-MCU Interface Boards. For use with a variety of TI DSP Starter Kits (DSKs) and Micro controllers, such as the TMS470
精密 DAC (≤10MSPS)
= TI 精选文档
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