TMP117 数字温度传感器评估模块




Improving on the TMP116 family of high-accuracy temperature sensors, the TMP117 provides up to ±0.1°C accuracy over the entire range of human body temperature (30°C to 42°C) and ±0.2°C accuracy over its whole operating range of -55°C to 150°C, making it the world’s leading ultra-high-precision temperature sensor. Designed as a pin-to-pin compatible replacement for the TMP116, the TMP117 provides 16-bits of temperature data with each reading, translating to a temperature resolution of 7.8125 m°C. The ultra-high accuracy of the TMP117 around human body temperatures makes it suitable for ASTME1112 and ISO-80601 compliant medical applications. The Texas Instruments TMP117EVM (Evaluation Module) provides the user a simple way to get started with the TMP117. The evaluation module and GUI are designed to provide the user with a quick setup to evaluate the TMP117 and gain familiarity with the device down to the bit-by-bit register level. The EVM also features a perforated break-out portion, which allows the user to separate the TMP117 and still utilize the MSP430 and GUI to interact with and configure the device. For detailed information about the EVM hardware and software installation, please see this document.  

  • Provides GUI for simple and fast setup 
  • Perforated PCB allows sensor to be placed in user’s system
  • Provides best temperature accuracy measurement with 0.0078125°C resolution (16-bit)
  • Example of PCB layout for fast thermal response time
  • GUI runs online or through a desktop installation
  • Supports many platforms (web, windows, linux, osx)

USB Cable

TMP117 具有 48 位 EEPROM、可替代 PT100/PT1000 RTD 的 0.1°C 数字温度传感器
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  1. 订购 TMP117EVM
  2. 请参阅 TMP117EVM 用户指南,下载软件并进行安装
  3. 请参阅 TMP117 数据表
  4. 利用 E2E 解决任何问题(以 TMP117EVM 作为器件型号)



TMP117EVM — TMP117 数字温度传感器评估模块

$59.00 (USD)
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评估模块 (EVM) 用 GUI

TMP117EVM-GUI-CLOUD — TI 资源管理器上的 TMP117 EVM GUI 云开发 - 用实时在线版本或下载版本进行评估(Safari、Chrome 或 Firefox)

应遵守 TI 的评估模块标准条款与条件.


= TI 精选文档
查看所有 5
类型 标题 下载最新的英文版本 日期
* EVM 用户指南 TMP117EVM User Guide 2018年 5月 30日
数据表 TMP117 具有 SMBus™ 和 I2C 兼容接口的高精度、低功耗数字温度传感器 数据表 (Rev. D) PDF | HTML 英语版 (Rev.D) PDF | HTML 2022年 9月 15日
证书 TMP117EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) (Rev. A) 2019年 2月 21日
应用手册 Design Considerations for Measuring Ambient Air Temperature (Rev. B) 2018年 9月 10日
EVM 用户指南 TMP117EVM Quick Start Guide PDF | HTML 2018年 7月 26日


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