C66X-FFTLIB — FFT ライブラリ、C66x 浮動小数点デバイス用
C66X-FFTLIB — FFT ライブラリ、C66x 浮動小数点デバイス用
FFTLIB for C66x Windows Installer
FFTLIB for C66x Linux Installer
FFTLIB for K2H Windows Installer
FFTLIB for K2H Linux Installer
FFTLIB Software Manifest
This is a GA release of the FFT Library (FFTLIB) for C66x/K2H processors.
The deliverables in this release include Windows and Linux installation executables for the C66x and K2H processors. Each executable installs a component package repository, a documentation directory, an Eclipse plugin directory and an expanded component directory structure with component libraries, header files and test examples.