MicroNova NovaCarts cell module controller (CMC) simulator for validating battery management systems
The NovaCarts cell module controller (CMC) simulation can simulate up to 35 cell monitoring integrated circuits of the automotive battery cell monitors family. The simulator is connected to the battery management system (BMS) host via a daisy chain interface. Typical applications of the simulator are the use in HiL simulators, software tests and environmental tests of ECUs. Advantages of the simulator are in particular its user-friendly use without a real battery and the hazard-free and reproducible simulation of fault conditions. The emulator can be integrated into various test environments via an ethernet interface and an API. In addition, a windows GUI is available.
- High-precision representation of current steps and voltage drops
- Software-controlled internal resistance of cells can be modified swiftly and in real-time to simulate lithium-ion solid-state batteries
- Significantly more accurate calculation of the current battery status thanks to an electrochemical simulation model
- The ability to simulate capacitive and inductive balancing mechanisms allows the BMS to be validated with active and passive cell balancing
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