







  • 高效率和高功率密度,可实现便携性。
  • 可编程充电模式,可适应多种电池化学物质和状态通信。
  • 内置的电池反极性连接保护、过流保护 (OCP)、过热保护 (OTP) 和温度补偿保护。

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Monitoring Monitoring Watchdog Watchdog Voltage Supervisor VoltageSupervisor Temperature Temperature AC Input AC Input Antenna Antenna Wireless Charging Wireless Charging Wireless Power Transmitter Wireless Power Transmitter USB Power Supply USB Power Supply DC-DC DC-DC LDO LDO USB Charging Port USB Charging Port USB Switch USB Switch ESD ESD Input Power Protection Input Power Protection Fuse Fuse Varistor Varistor X Capacitor Discharger X CapacitorDischarger Inrush Current Protection Inrush Current Protection EMI Protection EMI Protection Isolated AC/DC Power Supply Isolated AC/DC Power Supply Diode Bridge Rectifier Diode BridgeRectifier Sync Rectifier Sync Rectifier Voltage Ref Voltage Ref PWM Controller PWM Controller Non-Isolated AC/DC Power Supply Non-Isolated AC/DC Power Supply Diode Bridge Rectifier Diode BridgeRectifier PWM Controller PWM Controller PFC PFC Gate Driver Gate Driver Current & Voltage Sense Current & Voltage Sense Amp Amp Voltage Reference VoltageReference Amp Amp Current Sensing CurrentSensing Auxiliary Power Supply Auxiliary Power Supply PWM Controller PWM Controller Voltage Reference Voltage Reference Non-Isolated DC/DC Power Supply Non-Isolated DC/DC Power Supply DC-DC DC-DC LDO LDO Digital Processing Digital Processing MCU / MPU MCU / MPU Logic Logic Wireless Interface Wireless Interface Wireless Connectivity Wireless Connectivity Wired Interface Wired Interface Isolation Isolation I2C/SMBUS I2C/SMBUS Protection Protection Input User Interface Input User Interface Speed Dial / Selector Switch Speed Dial /Selector Switch Touch Keys Touch Keys MCU/Captivate MCU/Captivate Inductive/ Capacitive Sensing Inductive/CapacitiveSensing Output User Interface Output User Interface LED Driver LED Driver Audio DAC Audio DAC


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