4 修订历史记录
Changes from C Revision (July 2014) to D Revision
Changed ESD Ratings table to current standards, added HBM and CDM data Go
Added timing specifications for different operating temperature ranges for the tconv, td-CK-DO, and tquiet parameters in the Timing Requirements: 3-Wire Operation table Go
Added timing specifications for different operating temperature ranges for the tconv parameter in Timing Requirements: 4-Wire Operation tableGo
Added timing specifications for different operating temperature ranges for the tconv parameter in Timing Requirements: Daisy-Chain table Go
Changes from B Revision (December 2014) to C Revision
已更改 ADS8881 至 ADS8881C 并添加 ADS8881I Go
已将 ADS8881C 和 ADS8881I 的技术规格分为两项列出(出色的交流和直流性能 特性 要点中)Go
Added Recommended Operating Conditions tableGo
Changed LSB footnote to include how to convert LSB to ppm Go
Changed fSCLK parameter maximum specification from 66.6 MHz to 70 MHz in Timing Requirements: 3-Wire Operation table.Go
Changed tSCLK parameter minimum specification from 15 ns to 14.3 ns in Timing Requirements: 3-Wire Operation table.Go
Added more information about validity of data on SCLK edges in all interface modesGo
Changed diagrams and text for better explanation of the daisy-chain feature in the Daisy-Chain Mode sectionGo
Changed Equation 2 and Equation 3 Go
Added Layout Guidelines sectionGo
Changes from A Revision (July 2013) to B Revision
Changed 宽共模电压范围 特性 要点)Go
已添加注 2 至系列信息表Go
Changed External Reference Input, Reference input current parameter typical specification from 350 to 300Go
Added External Reference Input, Reference leakage current parameter to Electrical CharacteristicsGo
Changed Power-Supply Requirements, Power-supply voltage parameter digital interface supply range as a function of SCLK in Electrical CharacteristicsGo
Added Digital Inputs, Digital input leakage current parameter to Electrical CharacteristicsGo
Added true-differential input feature details to Analog Input sectionGo
Deleted shading from Figure 64Go
Deleted shading from Figure 65Go
Deleted shading from Figure 67Go
Deleted shading from Figure 69Go
Deleted shading from Figure 70Go
Deleted shading from Figure 72Go
Added power scaling with throughput feature details to Power Saving sectionGo
Changes from * Revision (May 2013) to A Revision
Changed 文档状态至“量产数据”;通篇进行 pre-RTM 修改Go