ZHCSJP5B May 2019 – October 2021 ALM2402F-Q1
Designed as a high-voltage, high current operational amplifier, the ALM2402F-Q1 device delivers a robust output drive capability. A class AB output stage with common-source transistors is used to achieve full rail-to-rail output swing capability. For resistive loads up to 10 kΩ, the output swings typically to within 5 mV of either supply rail regardless of the power-supply voltage applied. Different load conditions change the ability of the amplifier to swing close to the rails.
Each output transistor has internal reverse diodes between drain and source that conduct if the output is forced greater than the supply or less than ground (reverse current flow). These diodes can be used as flyback protection in inductive-load driving applications. Limit the use of these diodes to pulsed operation to minimize junction temperature overheating due to (VF × IF). Internal current limiting circuitry does not operate when current is flown in the reverse direction and the reverse diodes are active.