ZHCSGR1A August 2017 – January 2018 INA828
The linear input voltage range of the INA828 input circuitry extends within 2 Volts of both power supplies and maintains excellent common-mode rejection throughout this range. The common-mode range for the most common operating conditions are shown in Figure 55, Figure 50, and Figure 51. The common-mode range for other operating conditions is best calculated using the INA common-mode range calculating tool. The INA828 device can operate over a wide range of power supplies and VREF configurations, thus providing a comprehensive guide to common-mode range limits for all possible conditions is impractical.
VS = 5 V, G = 1 |
VS = ±5 V, VREF = 0 V |
VS = 5 V, G = 100 |
VS = ±15 V, VREF = 0 V |