10 Revision History
Changes from Revision D (March 2023) to Revision E (December 2024)
- 更新了整个文档中的表格、图和交叉参考的编号格式Go
- Updated maximum power dissipation in the power ratings section.Go
- Updated distance through isolation, while maintaining other insulation specificationsGo
- Updated maximum total current consumption values throughout the supply current characteristics sections.Go
- Updated maximum propagation delay specifications throughout the switching characteristics sections.Go
- Updated TDDB plot and the projected lifetimeGo
Changes from Revision C (April 2020) to Revision D (March 2023)
- 将整个文档中的标准名称从“DIN V VDE V 0884-11:2017-01”更改为“DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)”Go
- 通篇删除了对标准 IEC/EN/CSA 60950-1 的引用Go
- 通篇删除了所有标准名称中的标准版本和年份参考Go
- Added Maximum impulse voltage (VIMP) specification per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)Go
- Changed test conditions and values of Maximum surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) specification per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)Go
- Clarified method b test conditions of Apparent charge (qPD)Go
- Changed working voltage lifetime margin from: 87.5% to: 50%, minimum
required insulation lifetime from: 37.5 years to: 30 years and insulation
lifetime per TDDB from: 135 years to: 169 years in per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE
- Changed Figure 8-5 per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)Go
Changes from Revision B (March 2017) to Revision C (April 2020)
- 通篇进行了编辑性和修饰性更改Go
- 将“隔离栅寿命:超过 40 年”更改为“在 1500VRMS 工作电压下预计寿命超过 100 年”(位于节 1)Go
- 在节 1中添加了“隔离等级高达 5000VRMS”Go
- 在节 1中添加了“浪涌能力高达 12.8kV”Go
- 在节 1中添加了“在整个隔离栅具有 ±8kV IEC 61000-4-2 接触放电保护”Go
- 将“提供汽车版本:ISO7710-Q1”(位于节 1)Go
- 将“符合 DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10):2006-12 标准的 VDE 增强型绝缘”更改为“符合 DIN VDE V 0884-11:2017-01 标准的 VDE 增强型绝缘”(位于节 1)Go
- 使用节 1 中的标准名称,将 CSA、CQC 和 TUV 要点合并为一个要点Go
- 删除了节 1中的“完成 DW-16 封装的 VDE、UL、CSA 和 TUV 认证;已规划其他所有认证”要点Go
- 更新了图 3-1,以便显示两个串联的隔离电容器,而不是单个隔离电容器Go
- Added "Contact discarge per IEC 61000-4-2" specification of 8000V Go
- Changed "Signaling rate" to "Data rate" and added table noteGo
- Updated DW-16 package VIORM and VIOWM valuesGo
- Added TDDB figure reference to VIOWM
- Updated VIOSM, VIOTM, qpd test conditionsGo
- Corrected ground symbols for "Input (Devices with F suffix)" in Section 7.4.1
- Fixed Figure 8-2 INPUT wire connectionGo
- Added Section sub-section under Section 8.2.3 sectionGo
- Added 'How to use isolation to improve ESD, EFT, and Surge immunity in industrial systems' to Section 9.1 sectionGo
Changes from Revision A (December 2016) to Revision B (March 2017)
- Added D-8 values for TUVGo
- Changed the Electrostatic Discharge Caution statement Go
Changes from Revision * (November 2016) to Revision A (December 2016)
- 将特性 从“IEC 60950-1、IEC 60601-1 和 IEC 61010-1 终端设备标准”更改为“IEC 60950-1 和 IEC 60601-1 终端设备标准”Go
- Added Climatic categoryGo
- Updated CSA column and changed DW package to (DW-16)Go
- Changed tie TYP value from 1.5 to 1 in Switching Characteristics tables throughout the documentGo