ZHCSM56D September 2020 – March 2022 LMG3422R030 , LMG3425R030
The control signals to the LMG342xR030 must be protected from the high dv/dt caused by fast switching. Coupling between the control signals and the drain can cause circuit instability and potential destruction. Route the control signals (IN, FAULT and OC) over a ground plane placed on an adjacent layer. In Layout Example, for example, all the signals are routed on layers close to the local signal ground plane.
Capacitive coupling between the traces for the high-side device and the static planes, such as PGND and HVBUS, could cause common mode current and ground bounce. The coupling can be mitigated by reducing overlap between the high-side traces and the static planes. For the high-side level shifter, ensure no copper from either the input or output side extends beneath the isolator or the CMTI of the device can be compromised.