4 Revison History
Changes from Revision A (April 2021) to Revision B (December 2021)
Changes from Revision * (April 2021) to Revision A (April 2021)
- 更新了说明 部分跨阻带宽与频率间的关系 图Go
- Updated the Select Pin Decoder table in the Pin
Configuration and Functions sectionGo
- Added VOUT = 100 mVPP to the TIA Bandwidth
vs Frequency figure in the Typical Characteristics
- Removed the Channel B TIA Bandwidth vs Frequency figure in
the Typical Characteristics sectionGo
- Updated the Open-Loop Magnitude and Phase vs Frequency figure
in the Typical Characteristics sectionGo
- Removed the Current Noise sectionGo
- Updated the estimated PCB capacitance from 0.9 pF to 0.7 pF in the
Design Requirements sectionGo