SLCA003 February   2023 LM2901-Q1 , LM2901AV-Q1 , LM2901B-Q1 , LM2901V-Q1


  1. 1 LM2901-Q1, LM2901B-Q1, LM2901V-Q1, LM2901AV-Q1 Functional Safety FIT Rate, FMD and Pin FMA
    1. 1.1 Overview
    2. 1.2 Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) Rates
    3. 1.3 Failure Mode Distribution (FMD)
    4. 1.4 Pin Failure Mode Analysis (Pin FMA)


This document contains information for LM2901-Q1, LM2901B-Q1, LM2901V-Q1, LM2901AV-Q1 (TSSOP-14, SOIC-14 packages) to aid in a functional safety system design. Information provided are:

  • Functional Safety Failure In Time (FIT) rates of the semiconductor component estimated by the application of industry reliability standards
  • Component failure modes and their distribution (FMD) based on the primary function of the device
  • Pin failure mode analysis (Pin FMA)

#FIGURE11 shows the device functional block diagram for reference.

GUID-6B259CB2-4212-4EF7-B8BF-A7539E773B3C-low.gif Figure 1-1 Functional Block Diagram

LM2901-Q1, LM2901B-Q1, LM2901V-Q1, LM2901AV-Q1 was developed using a quality-managed development process, but was not developed in accordance with the IEC 61508 or ISO 26262 standards.