SPNA239 September   2019 RM46L440 , RM46L450 , RM46L830 , RM46L840 , RM46L850 , RM46L852 , RM48L530 , RM48L540 , RM48L730 , RM48L740 , RM48L940 , RM48L950 , RM48L952 , RM57L843 , TMS570LC4357 , TMS570LC4357-EP , TMS570LC4357-SEP , TMS570LS0232 , TMS570LS0332 , TMS570LS0432 , TMS570LS10106 , TMS570LS1114 , TMS570LS1115 , TMS570LS1224 , TMS570LS1225 , TMS570LS1227 , TMS570LS20206 , TMS570LS20206-EP , TMS570LS20216 , TMS570LS20216-EP , TMS570LS2124 , TMS570LS2125 , TMS570LS2134 , TMS570LS2135 , TMS570LS3134 , TMS570LS3135 , TMS570LS3137 , TMS570LS3137-EP


  1.   HALCoGen Ethernet Driver With lwIP Integration Demo and Active Web Server Demo
    1.     Trademarks
    2. 1 Introduction
    3. 2 Supported Features
    4. 3 Get the Software
    5. 4 Configuring EMAC and MDIO Using HALCoGen GUI for the lwIP Demo
      1. 4.1 RM46x, RM48x and TMS570LSx HDK
      2. 4.2 TMS570LC43x and RM57x HDK
      3. 4.3 RM57x Launchpad (LAUNCHXL2 RM57x)
      4. 4.4 TMS570LC43 Launchpad (LAUNCHXL2 570LC43x)
    6. 5 Additional Changes for Active Web Server Demo
      1. 5.1 HALCoGen Configuration Changes
      2. 5.2 lwIP Port Changes
      3. 5.3 CCS Project Structure
      4. 5.4 Changing the Web Pages Rendered by Web Server
    7. 6 Programming Sequence Using HALCoGen Generated Drivers
    8. 7 Design of lwIP Integration
      1. 7.1 Hardware Abstraction Layer
      2. 7.2 lwIP Interface Layer
      3. 7.3 Hercules Development Network Interface Layer
        1. 7.3.1 Network Device Initialization
        2. 7.3.2 Packet Data Transmission
        3. 7.3.3 Packet Data Reception
      4. 7.4 lwIP Application Layer
      5. 7.5 System Application Layer
    9. 8 Release Folder Structure
    10. 9 Run the Test
      1. 9.1 Hardware Setup
      2. 9.2 Building and Executing the lwIP Demo
      3. 9.3 Building and Executing the Active Web Server Demo
        1. 9.3.1 I/O Control Demo 1
        2. 9.3.2 I/O Control Demo 2

Supported Features

  • Integration of the CPDMA based EMAC driver for RM46/RM48/RM57/TMS570LS/TMS570LC devices
  • lwIP (lightweight IP) 1.4.1 TCP/IP stack ported for the above devices' EMAC driver
  • By default, the DHCP support is enabled. However, the integration supports both DHCP and Static IP addressing.
  • Integration with HALCoGen v04.07.01 release
  • The integrated application demonstrates web server applications on RM46/RM48/RM57/ TMS570LS/TMS570LC devices.
  • By default, the software is configured for executing from flash.
  • Diagnostic and debug messages are printed on the JTAG SCI Port. The following are the settings for the console:
    • Baud Rate: 9600
    • Data: 8 bit
    • Parity: None
    • Stop bit: 2
    • Flow Control: None


Since the MAC Address is part of the binary image, all of the devices programmed with these binaries and connected to the same DHCP server will be assigned the same IP address. The default MAC address is 00:08:EE:03:A6:6C.