SPRACV3 December   2020 AM6412 , AM6422 , AM6442


  1.   Trademarks
  2. 1Simulations
    1. 1.1 SerDes
      1. 1.1.1 Introduction
      2. 1.1.2 Simulator Settings and Model Usage
      3. 1.1.3 Simulation Parameters
      4. 1.1.4 Simulation Methodology
      5. 1.1.5 Reviewing Simulation Results
  3. 2Models
    1. 2.1 IBIS-AMI Model Kit
    2. 2.2 The Kit Structure
    3. 2.3 Contents of the Kit
    4. 2.4 IBIS Analog Models
    5. 2.5 Algorithmic Models
      1. 2.5.1 Transmitter (Tx) Model
        1.  TX AMI Parameters for Gen 1
        2.  TX AMI Parameters for Gen 2
        3.  TX AMI Parameters for Gen 3
        4.  TX AMI Parameters for Sgmii
        5.  TX AMI Parameters for Qsgmii
        6.  TX AMI Parameters for USB3.0
        7.  TX AMI Parameters for USB3.1
        8.  TX AMI Parameters for USXGMII
        9.  TX AMI Parameters for Display Port
        10. Transmitter Specifications
        11. TX_Jitter Injection Parameters
      2. 2.5.2 Receiver (Rx) Model
        1. RX AMI Parameters
        2. Rx Jitter Injection Parameters
    6. 2.6 Valid Simulation Condition
    7. 2.7 Eye Mask Requirement

TX AMI Parameters for Display Port

The Torrent16FFC TX AMI parameters are listed in Figure 2-8. In Cadence SystemSI, clicking on a parameter value opens the AMI Parameter Editor where you can change the value. The preset values can be chosen at “Default_preset_Value”.

GUID-20201209-CA0I-7KRB-GTXN-BH0WZGCGLMT8-low.png Figure 2-8 Tx Algorithmic Model Parameters

Table 2-3 provides a description of the Torrent16FFC TX AMI parameters:

Table 2-3 TX AMI Parameters for Display Port
Parameter Description
Deemphasis_code You can set the TX De-emphasis tap coefficients. The drive strength in decibels is set according to the De- emphasis code that is selected. For example, code P1 equates to drive strength of -3.5db. The default value is P1.
Deemphasis_tap_definition<tap values> For more information, see Table 2-4.
Vmargin For more information, see Table 2-5.
Swing_mode It can have following modes :
  • Fullswing
  • Reducedswing
self_adapt_ffe<TRUE|FALSE> A value of TRUE results in the best CTLE curve being selected during simulation to find the most optimized FFE taps at Tx for the current channel. The default value of this parameter is ‘TRUE’.
Pre_cursor_tap, main_tap, post_cursor_tap C-1, C0 & C+1 can be specified.
C0,max (FS) value is 46. C0,max = 46, C0,min = 26
C-1,max = 0, C-1,min = -9
C+1,max = 0, C+1,min = -17
Default values are: C0 = 31, C-1 = -3, C+1 = -12