4 修订历史记录
Changes from A Revision (September 2012) to B Revision
Deleted 无喀嗒和噼啪声的内部控制,用于更改采样率或暂停时钟,... 无喀嗒和噼啪声操作Go
Changed “接受 16 位、24 位和 32 位音频数据”至“接受 16 位、20 位、24 位和 32 位音频数据”Go
Added 引脚配置和功能部分,ESD 额定值表,特性 说明部分,器件功能模式,应用和实施部分,电源相关建议部分,布局部分,器件和文档支持部分以及机械、封装和可订购信息部分Go
Clarified Pin Functions table.Go
Changed Operating temperature to Operating junction temperature in Absolute Maximum RatingsGo
Deleted redundant PLL specification in Recommended Operating Conditions Go
Deleted Intelligent clock error... and ...for pop-free performance in the Overview section.Go
Added note on instruction cycles to PCM512x Audio Processing.Go
Deleted text The Graphical Development Environment consists of number of Hybrid Flows that can be downloaded to the device and run on the miniDSP. From: Software Go
Added note on instruction cycles in Fixed Audio Processing Flow (Program 5).Go
Changed Ouptut to OutputGo
Deleted VREF mode provides 2.1Vrms full-scale output at both AVDD levels.Go
Clarified clock generation explanation in Reset and System Clock FunctionsGo
Clarified external SCK discussion in Clock Slave Mode with BCK PLL to Generate Internal Clocks (3-Wire PCM).Go
Deleted The PCM514x disables the internal PLL when an external SCK is supplied.Go