Ultra-low power consumption and low input-leakage current are the hallmarks of the LMC6041, LMC6042, and LMC6044 (LMC604x). Providing input currents of only 2fA (typical), the LMC604x operate from a single supply, with an output swing extending to each supply rail and an input voltage range that includes ground.
The LMC604x are designed for use in systems requiring ultra-low power consumption. In addition, the insensitivity to latch-up, the high output drive, and an output swing to ground without requiring external pulldown resistors make these op amps an excellent choice for single-supply, battery-powered systems.
Other applications for the LMC604x include barcode-reader amplifiers, magnetic- and electric-field detectors, and portable electrometers.
This device is built with TI’s advanced double-poly silicon-gate CMOS process.
Ultra-low power consumption and low input-leakage current are the hallmarks of the LMC6041, LMC6042, and LMC6044 (LMC604x). Providing input currents of only 2fA (typical), the LMC604x operate from a single supply, with an output swing extending to each supply rail and an input voltage range that includes ground.
The LMC604x are designed for use in systems requiring ultra-low power consumption. In addition, the insensitivity to latch-up, the high output drive, and an output swing to ground without requiring external pulldown resistors make these op amps an excellent choice for single-supply, battery-powered systems.
Other applications for the LMC604x include barcode-reader amplifiers, magnetic- and electric-field detectors, and portable electrometers.
This device is built with TI’s advanced double-poly silicon-gate CMOS process.