The LMV7219 is a low-power, high-speed comparator with internal hysteresis. The LMV7219 operating voltage ranges from 2.7 V to 5 V with push-pull rail-to-rail output. This device achieves a 7-ns propagation delay while consuming only 1.1 mA of supply current at 5 V.
The LMV7219 inputs have a common mode voltage range that extends 200 mV below ground, allowing ground sensing. The internal hysteresis ensures clean output transitions even with slow-moving inputs signals.
The LMV7219 is available in the SC-70 and SOT-23 packages, which are ideal for systems where small size and low power are critical.
The LMV7219 is a low-power, high-speed comparator with internal hysteresis. The LMV7219 operating voltage ranges from 2.7 V to 5 V with push-pull rail-to-rail output. This device achieves a 7-ns propagation delay while consuming only 1.1 mA of supply current at 5 V.
The LMV7219 inputs have a common mode voltage range that extends 200 mV below ground, allowing ground sensing. The internal hysteresis ensures clean output transitions even with slow-moving inputs signals.
The LMV7219 is available in the SC-70 and SOT-23 packages, which are ideal for systems where small size and low power are critical.